Shu missing part 1

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After last night (y/n) was having a hard time trying to stay focus during training.

(Y/n) P.O.V

'Man why can't I do a perfect launch' As I kept launching my bey over and over and still I wasn't able to get it right.
'Ugh this is so frustrating' unaware that everyone was staring at me.

"Hey Hancho do you know what's wrong with (y/n)?" Valt said
"Nah dude but she doesn't look so good. Lets go check on her." Hancho said as they both went to go talk to (y/n).

I was so busy trying to launch my bey that I didn't notice two of my friends were walking towards me. Until I felt someone put there hand on my shoulder that caused me to flinch. I turned around to see who it was..

"Hey (y/n) is everything alright?" I heard Hancho say.
"Uh yeah I'm okay."
"Are you sure cause you don't look like your okay?" Valt asked
"Y..Yeah I'm fine why?"
"(Y/n) we all saw that you were having trouble launching your bey and that never happens unless somethings bothering you so what's bothering you?" Hancho said
"Um.. wait!? Did you just said we?!" I asked all confused
"Yeah (y/n) we as in the whole members saw you looking frustrated about something." I heard Valt say as I looked around to see that everyone was staring at me. I even saw that Chris starred at me with a worried look and next to her I saw free staring back at me. I turned back to face Valt and Hancho who both had a worried look on them.
"Oh I didn't knew I was making a big scene."
"(Y/n)?" Both Valt and Hancho asked
"Fine fine but not here." I said as we left outside so no one could hear us.

"Free do you know what's going on with (y/n)?" Chris asked
"No." Free responded as he watched you leave.


"So what's going on?" Valt asked me
"Look guys there's nothing going on is just last night I was having trouble falling a sleep..I had a nightmare that's all."
"What was the nightmare about?" I heard Hancho asked just then I started to remember how Shu wasn't Shu and how he hurt (b/n) and how he said it was all my fault.
"Hey (y/n) are you alright your starting to look pale?" I heard Valt say
"I'm okay just I don't want to talk about it I don't want to remember it I'm sorry guys." I said as I looked away from them.
"No it's fine (y/n) if you don't feel like talking about it then we won't force you." Hancho said
"Thanks you guys." I said

"Hey chris wants us to get ready for our match this afternoon." I heard someone say as I turned around to see that it was Free.
"Alright let's go you guys." Valt said as he and Hancho left and when I was about to leave with them free grabs my wrist to stop me. I looked at him all confused.
"We need to talk." I heard him say.
"Alright. Hey Valt you and Hancho go ahead I'll meet you guys over there okay." I said to my friends as they both nodded their head agreeing with what I said.

I looked back at free. "So what do you want to talk about?" I asked him.
"(Y/n) I'm sorry but your not participating in today's match." I heard him say as I looked at him making sure I didn't heard wrong. " Wait did I hear right, you don't want me to participate in today's match?"
"That's right." Free said with a blank expression.
"Why!? I have to be there if we win this match we can go to the semifinals Free!"
"I know that but after seeing you today at the training room I don't think you can participate." He said with a serious expression.
"But Free you can't do this..I
"Sorry (y/n) but I'm the team captain and I already made my choice." I heard him say as I looked down on the ground not sure what to think anymore. But I guess Free notice that I still didn't agree with his choice.
"Look don't worry (y/n) were gonna be fine after all I'm the strongest bladder I won't let the team lose." I heard him say as he place one of his arm on my shoulder. I slowly lifted my head to face him as much as I hate the thought of not participating with my team he still had a point there was no way I would be able to help the team win as I am now.
"Fine I won't participate happy." I said while I saw him smile a bit.

It was time for the match and the first member of BC Sol was Valt and he lost with a ring out finish. Next up was Free and he quickly won with a burst finish then it was Hancho turn and he won with a ring out finish. Thus the winning team heading to the semifinals was BC Sol. I was happy that they won but I was pretty upset that I didn't get to participate. After the battle chris decided to do a little celebration for all our hard work to make it to the semifinals but I had a feeling she only did it to get me out of my bad mood. It was actually working seeing everyone all happy and laughing with each other made me feel better and forget about all my worries I had. For once I never felt more happier being with others other than with my family. But as that saying goes all good things comes to an end. I was busy laughing with Valt and the rest of the members when all of a sudden we heard the door burst open and we all quickly turned around to see who it was and it was no one other than Wakiya.
'Ugh what does he want now' I thought as he made his way towards us.
"Wakiya what are you doing h.." I was only able to say until he interrupted me.
"Before you start asking why I'm here I need to tell you guys something it's important." I heard him say
"Fine what is it?" I say
"I think we should discuss this somewhere more private." I heard him say.
"We could go sit over there where nobody can hear us." I said as Valt Hancho and Wakiya followed me.
Once we sat down I saw that he had a worried look on him which kinda had me worried too.
"Guys it's about Shu..he.. Shu gone missing." Was all I heard until all the noises in the background started to fade and all I could hear was my own heart beating. Then all of a sudden all those images from my nightmare were appearing in my mind especially the part where he said IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!
'NOO! This can't be happening my nightmare was coming true!' was all I thought while starting to panic.

"(Y/n).....(y/n)..." I could hear someone calling my name but I couldn't tell who it was. I was still panicking my hands were shaking when I looked at them that I accidently knocked over a glass of water. As it shattered once it hit the ground and once it did everyone went silence to see what's going on. I couldn't take this anymore so I got up and ran out the room while everyone just stared at me wondering what happened.
"(Y/n)!!" was the last thing I heard before heading towards the exit.

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