Enough is Enough

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Hey guys sorry for the long wait again I wasn't home this past two weeks I was at my grandparents with my siblings and they don't have wifi and I have my work in my laptop not to mention I now have to share it with my siblings too since they now have a lot of homework that's due online so updating has been complicated for me. I would work on it on my phone but my touchscreen doesn't work that well and I still need to fix it so I decided I'm just gonna post them right away everytime I finish a chapter because honestly, I don't know when my brothers are gonna use my laptop again. Now on with the story Enjoy!!!!

p.s. this is one of my longest chapter ever 

"Dad, is that really you?" we all turned around to see who it was and to my surprise, it was my mom standing a couple of feet away from us with an expression of shocked and hurt on her face. I turned to look back at my grandpa only to see that he had a look of guilt written all over his face.

"yes, it's me (m/n)," he said as I watched him got up from his seat and slowly walk towards my mom while she had tears coming out of her eyes. He quickly embraced her and she cried in his arms, I felt happy for my mom. She was finally reunited with her father after being separated for a really long time but something felt off why did she look hurt when she saw him shouldn't she be happy? I looked back at my grandmother and she gave me a weak smile I was going to ask her about it but my mom beat me to it.

"But how? Mom said you were dead?" my mom said feeling all confused actually I was confused too because that's not what grandma had told me, she told me that he left for something important and she wasn't sure when he was going to come back and told me not to mention him around mom because she didn't want her to worry. I looked back at grandma and gave her a questioning look but she just sighs and looked back at my mom.

"yes I did but I lied I'm sorry dear but it was to keep you safe," my grandma said but the look on my mom's face showed that she wasn't satisfied with her answer  and neither was I but right now wasn't a good time to interrupt them, so I patiently waited until I could ask them myself.

"what do you mean for my own safety?" my mom said sounding more disappointed at my grandmother as she let go of my grandfather. "What was so dangerous that you had to lie about my father death?! Do you have any idea how that makes me feel to know that your dad died only for it to be a lie after several years later only to find out he was still alive!" my mother started to get angry as I flinched since I've never seen my mom this upset before.

"If you want someone to blame, blame it on me, not your mother (m/n) she only did what I asked her to do. I was the one who suggested to have your mother lie about me being dead, so be mad at me not your mom," grandpa said looking straight at my mom as she started to calm down.  

"Okay, but why lie? What's the reason you needed to leave us?" my mom asked less upset 

"your mom wasn't lying when she told you that it was for your own safety. You see when I was younger I had a lot of enemies but as years went by they started to leave me alone which was good for me since around that time your mother and I decided to settle down and start a family. However, a couple of months after (y/n) had turned five years old I started to receive some messages from an unknown number at first I just ignored them thinking someone was just pranking me since I had a couple of friends living out of states. But that was the worse mistake I ever made because right after three days of not responding back I received a letter requesting for me to meet them and I couldn't refuse because next to the letter was a picture of you, (y/n), and your mother. They also warned me if I mention this to the police then I wouldn't be able to see any of you guys again so I had no choice but to go alone which I did. But that just made things more complicated as it turns out they just wanted to have a bey battle with me which I ended up winning although they weren't pleased and they continue to threaten me saying that I should be more careful about my family since they knew where you worked and what school (y/n) attend. I was furious that I told them if they harm any of my family they would regret it and with that, they left and since then I never heard from them. But I knew that I couldn't just continue living as if nothing happened since they knew where we lived so I told Madoka that we needed to move and we did but that still wasn't enough as the next day I received a new message from an unknown number with a picture of our new home. At that moment I knew I had to take action but I also had to be cautious since they were watching us so I had no choice but to fake my death so that I would be able to track them down without them getting suspicious. Of course, I talked to your mother about this at first she didn't agree but she knew there was no other choice and with that, I faked my death with a car accident pretending I lost control of the car and crashed into a tree and put the car on fire so it seemed that I burn to death and you know the rest from there, I'm sorry for not telling you ahead." Gingka said while looking at his daughter feeling disappointed in himself.

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