The Truth

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(y/n) P.O.V

*At the hospital*

I had arrive at the hospital all sweaty from running all the way here after receiving the phone call from my mom I had quickly rushed to the airport to catch the next plane once I did I immediately rushed to the hospital that my mom had told me to go.

"Mom!" I manage to say still recovering from all that running

"over here (y/n)" my mom said as made her way towards me

"where.. is.. grandma" I said while catching my breath

"ill take you to her follow me." my mom said as she lead the way "she's in there." as I walked inside 

"grandma!" I said as I notice her laying down in the hospital bed next to her was the heart monitor.

"(y/n)." my grandma said as she started to cough while I made my way towards her.

"I'm glad to see that your finally here." I heard her say

"yeah mom called me and when I heard that you were here I quickly made my way over here."

"yeah and I'm pretty sure your mom had told you that I might not make it."

"she did but she also told me that you wanted to see me"

"yes because there's something that I need to tell you.. " I heard her say as she started to cough a lot

"grandma please don't talk anymore its only making it worse."

"its ...(cough) about your grandfather."

"My grandpa? but no one has heard about him since he left?"

"that might be true but his still alive."

"how do you know?"

"because we keep in contact but he promise me to not tell no one where he was even  to your own mother but now that I'm not gonna be able to keep in contact with him anymore I need you to go and bring him home."

"wait why didn't you just tell him that your sick so that he could come back?"

"I wish I could but you see his pretty busy at times so we communicate when he has a chance and the last time I had talked to him was three weeks ago."

"alright tell me where I can find him?"

"His in America."

"Alright ill go get him."

"thank you (y/n)."

'hang in there grandma I promise to bring him back to you.'

* In America*

"now how am I gonna find him I should have asked where exactly in America was he." I said to myself as I started to walk around 

"hey you!" I heard someone shout as I turned around as I saw some weird looking lady she had long brown hair and green eyes she looked in her 30s.

"are you talking to me?" I said all confused 

"yes there's something about you that has caught my attention."

"umm my mom has taught me to never to talk to strangers okay so I'm just gonna go." I said as I started to walk away.

"wait! I know your looking for your grandfather maybe I can help you" I heard her say as I stopped and turned to look back at her.

'how did she know I was looking for my grandpa?'

"if your wondering how I know your looking for him is because I'm psychic"

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