Dont leave

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(A/n: Hey there guys just quick announcement I know it's been pretty long since I've updated and no I didn't abandon the story it's just I've been pretty busy with school work since it's the last few weeks already and theres a lot of assignments that are being due that I really didn't have time to update but right now I had the chance since I'm almost done with my work and I'm still up even though it's pretty late but why not so here's the the next Chapter enjoy. Oh and by the way the picture on top is how Rose looks like just in case of your wondering how she looks like.)

It's been a couple of days since since (y/n) and the rest have come back from the snake pit. They all returned back to their own teams.

(Y/n) P.O.V

'I can't believe we lost that was our only chance to be able to find shu.' I thought as I continue to train.

"Hello (y/n)." I heard someone say as I turned to see a girl with red hair and red eyes.
"Do I know you?" I asked looking at the girl
"Oh that's right you don't recognize me without my mask isn't the right (y/n) hagane." I heard her say while smirking

'Theres only one person I know that has ever called me like that.'
"Rose." I said while glaring at her.
"Ah you remember now."
"What do you want." I said while still glaring at her.
"Oh nothing I was just checking on you to see how you holding up after failing desperately to find shu." I heard her say while smirking.
"If that's all then leave." I say while getting back to my training.
"Theres one thing that's been bugging me why do you desperately want to look for him anyways why can't you just let him go." I heard her say as I stopped what I was doing and looked back at her.
"Because his my friend that went missing."
"Hmm I don't think so."
"I feel like theres more to it than him just being your friend."
"Like what?"
"Let's see the way your so desperate to finding him and the way you looked so hopeless when I defeated you knowing that was your only chance to finding Shu. I dont know but to me it seems like his more than just a friend to you."
"Of course his my friend I'm just worried about him."
"I dont think so to me it seems like you have feelings for him but you dont want to admit it."
"That's not it..
"Are you sure cause that's what it seems to me."
"Well you got it all wrong..
"Maybe your right maybe i am wrong and maybe you like that Free guy instead."
"No free is just a friend."
"I wonder if your lying."
"I'm not lying I feel nothing for Free."
"What about Shu?"
"Shu also my friend."
"Friend? I dont think so I believe you have feelings for him that you dont want to admit. Like common you leave your team during a tournament to go look for him. I think you make yourself believe that you just see him as a friend but in reality you might just love him."
"See you can't deny it it just proves you do like him. Anyways I better get going see you around (y/n)." I heard her say while laughing.
'Is she right do I actually see shu as more than just a friend?' I thought unaware that someone had heard our conversation.

The next day

'I can't believe the finals are almost here we just got one week to prepare ourselves' I thought as I was quickly making my way to the training room.

"Hey guys sorry I'm late I overslept." I said while I noticed no one notice that I had enter the room. They were all busy having a discussion so I made my way towards them to see what's going on. Luckily for me my friend Valt was there and he can explain to me what's going on.

"Hey Valt." I called out to him while he looked back at me without even saying anything to me. Something must have happened because he wasn't smiling and he wasn't his cheerful self he looked sad.
' I wonder what happened to get him all like this'
"Hey Valt what's going on why are the other members having a discussion?" I asked while I looked around to see that the others also look sad.
"Wait you haven't heard (y/n)?" Valt said
"Heard about what?"
"That Free is leaving the team."
"Really wait!? What?! When?!"
"Just this morning before training Chris came by to give us an announcement saying that Free was leaving but no one knows why?"
"That's weird free wouldn't just leave us just like that? Where is he maybe I'll try to convince him to stay."
"(Y/n) we tried to convince him all of us did but he didn't listen at all he said he made up his mind."
"I'll try talking to him where is he?"
"Then you better hurry cause when we all went to go talk to him he already had his things packed I think he should be heading to the main gates already so hurry up (y/n) if not your gonna miss your chance." Valt said as I ran out the doors to catch up with Free and hopefully to convince him to stay.


Free P.O.V

I was close to making it to the gates when I heard someone shouting my name as I looked back to see who it was and I regret it because I wasn't ready to face (y/n).
"Free!." I heard her say while catching her breath I'm guessing she ran all the way here.
"Hey there (y/n)."
"Why?" Was the only thing she was able to say.
"Why what?" I asked not really wanting to answer cause I knew where this was going.
"Why are you leaving? And why didn't you tell me?" I heard (y/n) say sounding hurt that i didn't tell her anything.
"Sorry (y/n) but it was like a last minute thing."
"But why and why now? What made you want to leave BC Sol all of a sudden?"
"It doesnt concern you (y/n)."
"Yes it does Free have you forgotten that were friends !?" I heard her say.
'Freinds is that all you ever see me as  (y/n)?' I thought while looking at her.
"Its just I can't stay here anymore." I said still looking at her.
"Why?" I heard her say while having a worry look on her face.
"You guys can't always rely on me to make the team win."
"Free it's not like that I'm sorry if you feel that way but we've been training a lot so you wouldn't do all the work just stay for a couple more days so we can prove it."
"I can't."
"Why not"
"I already made up my mind."
'I'm sorry (y/n)' I thought as I faced my back towards her and started to walk away.
"Free wait!" I heard her say as I stopped but didn't look back.
"Is there anyway that would convince you to change your mind." I heard (y/n) say while hoping to change my decision.
"Why...give me a good reason why should I stay and then I'll decide to stay or not." I said still not looking back
"Because were a family BC Sol is a team full of great people and it would be the same without you. The rest of the team dont want to see you go we need you some of us look up to you that's why as a member of the team and your friend I'm asking you to rethink this Free."

"That's not a bad answer but it wasn't what I was hoping for." I said while whispering the last part.
"I'm sorry (y/n) but goodbye."
'I was hoping for you to say that you didn't wanted me to leave and maybe just maybe I'm important to you.'  I thought as I continued to walk away.

"Free!" Was the only thing I heard her say as I finally made out the exit while not looking back.
'Goodbye BC Sol'

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