4th of July Special!!

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There was a festival in town because of today's occasion everyone was invited even people from the other teams came. There was music, alot of food and games.

"Hey (y/n) what do you wanna do first?" Valt asked while looking around to see any of his other friends.

"How about we go get some food first I'm pretty hungry." (Y/n) said while her stomach started to growl

"Sure let's go." Valt said as they both went to go eat.

*After 30 minutes of eating*

"Maybe it wasnt I good idea to eat alot." (Y/n) said while feeling full

"I told you but you didn't listen to me." Valt said while laughing at you

"Hey you dont have to keep reminding me and where's honcho he said he was gonna meet us here but I haven't seen him?" (Y/n) asked while looking around.

"I think his running late." Valt said

"Well he better hurry if not his gonna miss out." (Y/n) said as she kept walking forward but didn't notice someone walking towards her as they both bumped with each other.

"Sorry my bad I wasnt looking where I was going ...... Free?!" (Y/n) said while looking at him

"Hey their (y/n)." Free said while smiling at you

"Hey guys guess who I bumped into on my way here!" Someone shouted as they looked to see honcho making his way towards them with Shu right next to him.

"Shu!." Both Valt and (y/n) said as he waved back at them.

"Oh hey their free." Shu said while glaring at him

"Kurenai." Free said while glaring back at him

'This is awkward ' valt, honcho and (y/n) thought as they felt the tension

"Come on you guys let's try to have some fun." (Y/n) said as both free and shu looked at each other and looked away.

After playing some games and enjoying the music it started to get dark though shu and free didn't talk with one another.

"Hey guys let's go find a spot the fireworks are about to start." Valt said as they all went to go find a spot to sit.

"Hey Valt is it just me or is it getting really awkward?" Honcho said as he looked at both free and Shu ignoring one another.

"Yeah hey let's go get some drinks." Valt said as he got up.

"Alright okay guys me and Valt are gonna go buy some drinks we will be right back." Honcho said as he left with valt leaving (y/n) with both Shu and Free.

"Today was pretty fun dont you guys agree." (Y/n) said trying to cool of the tension

"Yeah" they both responded without looking at each other.

"Oh come on you guys cant you guys just get along just for today?" (Y/n) asked while shu and free looked at each other and sigh.

"Fine." They both said at the same time as the fireworks started

"Wow their beautiful." (Y/n) said while looking at the fireworks while Free and Shu just stared at them too unaware that (y/n) grabbed each one of their hand. They both looked at their hand and back at (y/n) only to see that she wasnt looking at them but staring at the sky while smiling. They both blush a little and decided to kiss (y/n) on her cheeks while (y/n) blush.

"Cough cough, um what did we miss." Valt asked as honcho stood right next to him with the drinks.

Hey guys I hope you enjoy the chapter I know it was short but oh well and Happy 4th of july!!! Until next time bye.

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