What's Happening to Me!?

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(Y/n) P.O.V

Ever since that battle against Lui, I  have been having these nightmares. To the point where I constantly keep waking up in the middle of the night.

'Why I'm a having these nightmares?!'
as I start to looked at the time and as usual it's midnight.

"Ugh there's no point of going back to sleep if I'm just gonna keep having these nightmares" as I start to walk towards my open window to get some fresh air.

'What's wrong with me' I thought as I looked out the window staring at the stars while letting the cold wind blow in my face.

I grab my bey that was laying in my desk and started to head towards my backyard where my bey stadium was. Once I got there I decided to practice a little hoping that I would get tired so I can finally sleep. But before I could launch I had a quick flashback of my battle against Lui which caused me to have a missed launched. I tried again but my hand started to shake and I couldn't steady my launcher. I stared at my hands and saw that they were shaking uncontrollably.

'What?! Why are my hands shaking, this never happened before what's going on' I thought as I continue to stare at them. I went to go pick up my bey that was in the ground. As I picked it up and stare at it, I had a quick flashback of when Lui almost caused my bey to hit my face and he was laughing. Soon I realized that my legs had grew numb and I fell to the ground. My body stared to shake as I felt something on my cheek, I touched my cheek to feel something wet. I looked at my hand to see it was a tear drop.

'Am I crying?' I thought as I felt more tears coming out. I would have never imagine myself crying the last time I cried was when I was five and lost my parents at the store. I was so scared back then that I started to cry until my parents found me all worried. After that I never cried for anything else.

"Could it be that I'm scared of beyblading?!" I said to myself all worried. I tried to launch my bey again to see that what I said isn't true but it failed. Now I was really worried because I'm scared of the one thing in the world that I love too do, beyblading. Now I wouldn't be able to accomplish my dream, being the world best bladder, I quickly ran to my room and threw myself in bed frustrated that I began to cry.

'I'm sorry grandpa I won't be able to become strong just like you' I thought as I continue to cry myself to sleep. Unaware that someone was staring at me this whole time.

'Poor (y/n) She's really upset. I can't stand to watch her like this I know who can help her. After all that person went through something similar as hers.' Thought your mom as she saw the whole thing while she was passing by to get some water.

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