Shu missing part 2

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(A/n here's the next chapter!! I still can't believe I was able to post 3 chapters in less than a week I feel like im rushing it but anyways I know there's a song posted but you don't have to listen to it I just put it there because I was listening to it while updating this chapter. Now back to the story!!)

"(Y/n)!!!" Valt said as he watched his friend leave.
"What happened?" Hancho said all confused.
"Maybe i shouldn't have told her about Shu disappearance." Wakiya said
"I'm gonna go after her you guys." Valt said all worried
"I think it's best if we leave her alone and let her calm down." Free said
"But Free..
"His right Valt. (y/n) needs time to clear her mind." Chris said as she gave Valt a everything gonna be okay face.

Outside with (y/n)

I really needed some fresh air to clear my mind. I still can't believe shu went missing it feels like this is all a bad dream.
'Shu where are you' I thought as I looked up at the stars. 'I hope your okay I wouldn't forgive myself if something bad happens to you."
I don't know how long I've been outside because I heard someone calling out to me. I turned around to see who it was and it was Free.
"Hey (y/n) how are you feeling?" I heard him say as he approached me.
"Hey free and a little better."
"That's good to hear you were out here for like an hour already and I thought something bad had happened too you so I came over to check on you." I heard him say as he looked up at the stars.
"I'm sorry I must have worried everyone when I ran out just like that."
"Yeah you had everyone worried especially me." I heard him say and then it went silent.

"Free can I ask you a favor?" I said as I looked at him and he looked at me.
"Sure what is it?" I heard him say
"Can you cover for Valt, Hancho and me. You know have other members of BC Sol to substitute for us for a while." I said as I saw he had a confused look.
"Yeah but why?" I heard him say
"Well I decided that I'm gonna go look for Shu and don't try to talk me out of it because I made up by mind and I'm going whether you agree or not." I said with a serious face. As he just looked back at the stars.
"(Y/n) I won't stop you but can I ask you something?" I heard him say
"What is Shu too you?" I heard him say
"Well his a good friend." I say
"Are you sure his just a friend?" I heard him say as he looked back at me.
"Yeah he was always there for me he would always make me laugh when I would get upset. We would train together to help each other get stronger that's why free I'm determine to go look for him." I say while smiling.
"Your so dense." Free mumbles
"Wait what you said I didn't hear you?"
"Oh nothing." Free said
"Well let's start heading back inside before it gets cold." Free said as we both headed back inside.
'(Y/n) Your so dense that you can't even tell that you see Shu as more than just a friend. But that doesn't mean I'll give up on you.' Free thought as they both went inside.

The next day (y/n) went to go talk to Valt and Hancho about them going to go look for Shu and they both agreed. They called Wakiya telling them about their idea and he agreed to help. They also told Daigo since Shu was his friend too. They all went inside Wakiya private jet and they discussed on where could Shu be. That's when Wakiya mention that he could be in Mexico because there was some rumors going on that there's this place called the Snake pit and all strong bladers from around the world go to that place to get even stronger. So they headed to Mexico.

(Skip to the Snake pit)

"So Shu came here." I said while looking around
"Yeah crazy right." Wakiya said
"So what are we waiting for let's go inside already." Valt said while he headed towards the entrance but then we heard someone shout stop. We all looked up to see someone but we really couldn't tell since the sun was so bright. Next thing I know he jumped and landed a couple of feet away from us.

"Who are you?!" I heard Daigo say.
"Yeah and why are you wearing a mask?" I heard Hancho say.

But he just ignored our questions.
"You guys are trespassing go back." I heard him say.
"Hold up we came here to look for one of our friend his name is Shu have you seen him?" I finally asked but again he decided to ignore us and I was getting impatient who did this guy think he was.
"Hey whoever you are I asked you a question!"
"Leave!! We don't need weak bladders like you around here." I heard him say
'Weak!!! I'm not weak'
"Hey who are you calling weak." I shouted at him.
"Then prove it weakling." I heard him say as he took out his bey..
"Wait that's Spryzen!! Hey that's not your bey that bey belong to my friend Shu!!" I heard Valt say.

"Well your friend was weak and pathetic he didn't deserve Spryzen so I claimed it." I heard him say
"What!!!" We all said
"Then where is Shu?" Daigo asked
"Oh that guy is long gone he won't be coming back at all." He said
"What do you mean he won't be coming back?!" Wakiya said
"We...Wait I got rid off him." He said
"What did you do?!" Hancho said
"If you want answers then you gotta beat me for them." He said
"Alright then but be prepared to get..
"Alright I'll battle you." Valt said
"Hey Valt I was gonna battle against him." I said
"Sorry (y/n) but I just need to do this." Valt said
"No it's fine just show this guy that we aren't some weak bladers Valt." I said as he nodded his head agreeing with me.

They both got on their launching position

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!

But just as the match started it quickly ended Valtryek had burst we were all shocked this guy was pretty strong.

"Just pathetic and here I thought you might give me a challenge. You know I did the same thing to your friend he thought he could beat me but in the end I beat him and I crushed all his confidence." The guy with the masked told Valt as I quickly ran to Valt to see if he was okay.

"Hey don't talk to my friend like that!" I shouted to him but he only stared at me  i don't know why but I got this feeling that he was glaring at me. Then he started to walk inside the temple

"Wait!! What's you name?!" I asked as he stopped.
"Red eyes. I'll be waiting for you inside (y/n)." I heard him say as he walked inside and the door closed.
'Red eyes? Wait how did he know my name I never told him?!' I thought as I looked back at my friends telling them that were going inside and they all agree with me.

Hey guys so far it's a tie on what story should I write next I decided to wait a little bit longer so keep voting and don't hesitate to vote if you haven't voted already and if you don't know what I'm talking about it's posted on the last chapter. Thanks for reading until next time bye 😊

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