This isn't goodbye

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(Y/n) P.O.V

I can't believe it's been 2 weeks since I started to hang out with Valt. Man does time goes by fast when your having fun. Today I'm suppose to meet up with him, he said he wanted to talk too me about something later on. But first I promise to meet up with shu this morning.

'I wonder what shu and Valt are planning to tell me? Oh well there's no point on sitting around and waiting I have to get ready to meet up with shu' I thought
Gets all dressed and rushes to the front door.

(Meanwhile with Shu)

Shu P.O.V

'I hope she takes the news really well after all I'm doing this so I can become strong. I just hope she doesn't hate me' I thought

"Hey Shu" I heard (y/n) say as I turned around to see her walking towards me

"Hey (y/n)" I say

"So what did you wanted to tell me?" She said

"Well how should I say this.. um (y/n) I'm leaving" I said

"Where to" she said

"To America" I said

"Cool so like a vacation then, so when are you coming back?" I heard her say

"Well actually I don't know when I'm coming back. You see I was invited to a bey team" I said

"Oh... That's pretty cool Shu you should go for it dude" I heard her say

"Really so your not mad at me for leaving?" I said

"No dude why would I be mad, it's a once in a life time opportunity don't worry I'll be fine here I still got Valt so I won't be alone plus if I had an opportunity to travel around I would have definitely taken it so don't worry" she said

"Thanks for understanding (y/n) I was actually worried that you were gonna stay mad at me but now I feel so much better" I said

"Haha yea so when are you leaving?" I heard her say

"Well actually right now I have to catch my plane in an hour" I said

"Oh well you better hurry then you don't want to miss your flight" she said

"Yea I better get going then I hope we meet again someday (y/n)" I said

"Yea and when we do Shu you better watch out cause I'm gonna be stronger than ever" I heard her say as I started to walk away but before I do I quickly turn around to say
"Goodbye (y/n)"
'Why do I feel so sad right now I should be happy that I get an opportunity like this' I thought

(Y/n) P.O.V

"Goodbye Shu" I said as I watch him leave
'Why do I feel sad all of a sudden shouldn't I be happy for him maybe it's cause I'm not gonna be able to see him for awhile but still what's this feeling in my chest? I thought as I started to head home.

When I arrived home I saw my parents with Valt.
'Valt? I wonder what's he doing here'
Just as I was gonna ask him he beat me to it.

"Hey (y/n) where were you this morning?" He said
"Oh I just went to go see shu real quick he wanted to talk to me about something" I said
"Oh okay anyways I came by to see if you wanted to hang out today I mean if your not busy" he said
"Sure I'm not busy at all so where do you wanna go" I said
"Well I was thinking we could go get something to eat that's if your hungry" he said
"Sure I'm actually hungry where do you want to go?" I said
"I know the perfect spot just follow me" he said
"Okay lead the way valt" I said as we started to walk all the way until we reach (f/f)(favorite fast food)

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