A Day off

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(Hey guys I just want to say I'm sorry for taking long to update but I was pretty sick for these past few weeks and I missed out alot in school so I had to catch up. But don't worry now I'm feeling better and I'll start updating more. As for now here's another chapter!!! So enjoy )

It's been a couple of days since Shu lost against Free since then his been training everyday trying to get stronger.

"Hey Kurenai don't push yourself too much you need to take a break." Said one of his team member
"No I can't take a break when I'm so close." Shu said
"Yeah but you've been training all day these past few days at least take a break to let your body relax it's not healthy to stress yourself out." Another team member said.
"Alright I'll take a quick break then." Shu said
'I need to get stronger ' shu thought

With (y/n)

"Finally we get a day off from training I wonder where Valt and Hancho Go?" (Y/n) said while walking around thinking what to do on her day off.
'Maybe I'll just go relax' (y/n) thought as she continues to walk until see saw a bench near by and decided to just lay down and look at the clouds.

"Hey is something bothering you" she heard someone say. As (y/n) looks to see who it was.
"Free.. well to answer your question no nothing's bothering me I just decided to relax for awhile."
"Oh you mind if I join you." Free said.
"Not at all" (y/n) said as she sits up to let free sit on the bench.
"Hey (y/n) can I ask you something" free said.
"Well I was wondering if ....
"(Y/N)!!!" They both heard someone shout.
"Oh hey Valt and Hancho where have you guys been?" (Y/n) asked.
"That's not important right now anyways your not doing anything today right." Valt said
"No why"
"Well there's this carnival in town today and we were wondering if you wanted to come." Hancho said
"Sure I got nothing else to do what about you Free are you coming too."
"Idk" free said.
"Common Free you gotta go it's gonna be really fun" Valt said.
"Alright then" free said.

With Shu

"And there you guys have it Shu kurenai finish it with a burst." The announcer said.
"Good job kurenai" one of his team member said.
'Im coming for my rematch Free' shu thought.


"Hey Free did you had fun today?" Asked (y/n).
"Hmm it was alright"
"See I told you it wouldn't be that bad" Valt said.
"Yeah Free you gotta learn how to lighten up." Hancho said.
"So Valt what's next since we pretty much went to all the rides already and it's getting pretty late already." (Y/n) asked
"Hold up there's still one more ride we have to go before we leave." Said Valt
"Alright but let's grab something to eat I'm pretty hungry" (y/n) said.
"Alright you and Free stay right here me and Hancho would go get something to eat." Valt said as he left with Hancho right behind him. While (y/n) and Free decided to go sit at a bench that was near by.

"Hey (y/n) can I ask you something" free said.
"Sure go on."
"What do you think of Valt and Hancho?" Free asked.
"Huh what do I think of them well I think their both pretty chill and cool to hang around why?"
"No I meant like what's your relationship with them since you always hang around with them alot especially with Valt." Free asked while whispering the last part and blushing a little bit.
"Oh well were just friends."
"Oh okay well what about Sh..
"Hey guys were back and we brought food." Valt said as he handed (y/n) her (f/f)
"Wow Valt thanks how you knew this was my favorite." (Y/n) said
"Well we are friends and I gotta know my friends likes and dislikes." Valt said
"Oh and here Free I didn't really know what you like so I brought you a pizza , burger or hot dog so choose." Valt said
"I'll take the burger." Free said as he took the burger from Valt.
"Alright guys hurry up and eat your food cause we still need to go to one more ride." Hancho said.
"Where to?" (Y/n) said.
"The Ferris wheel" both Valt and Hancho said.
"How come you guys saved that ride for last" free asked.
"Well it's a perfect spot to watch the fireworks oh speaking of fireworks we better hurry up cause it's already night time and the fireworks are gonna go off real soon." Valt said

25 min later

They all finished eating and are now next in line to go on the ferris wheel "Alright guys were almost next so who's gonna go with who?" (Y/n) said
"I'll go with (y/n)..." Hancho said but was interrupted by Valt
"Lets go Hancho were next." Valt said as he dragged Hancho along.
"Wait Valt I wanted to go with (y/n)." Hancho whines
"Sorry Pal but let our leaders of the team have some time to discuss." Valt said
"Well that was weird so let's get going Free." (Y/n) said as she gets on the ferris wheel with Free

With Valt and Hancho

"Hey Valt why did you do that?!" Hancho said
"Idk what you mean." Valt said
"You know what I mean."
"I'm sorry I don't your gonna have to be specific Hancho."
"Ugh never mind."
"Relaxe dude just look out the window were pretty up high." Valt said
"Oh yeah it's pretty amazing." Hancho said
'Sorry pal but I needed those two to get along' thought Valt.

Back with (y/n) and Free

"Wow free look outside were pretty up high and everything looks amazing." (Y/n) said

(This is what you see)

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(This is what you see)

"Yeah." Free said
"You know free I use to be afraid of heights when I was little." (Y/n) said as she continues to look outside.
"Yeah I wouldn't like coming to the carnivals because I was afraid of the rides but then my grandpa helped me get over my fear. Since then I really enjoyed coming to them I would always go with my family everytime they were in town."
"I think it's great that your grandpa helped you get over your fears."
"Yeah but lately I haven't been going to any carnivals since my grandfather left. It's been a couple of years since he left and hasn't return back. I really do miss him grandma told me he had some business to take care of and she doesn't know when he will be back. I just hope his okay after all his the one that got me into beyblading." (Y/n) said while looking back at free while smiling at him.
"I bet he would be really glad to see you still beyblading." Free said while giving (y/n) a hug.
"Yeah thanks Free for being a good friend." (Y/n) said.
"Yeah no problem that's what friends are for." Free said while forcing a smile
'I wish you would see me as more than a friend (y/n).' Thought free

I Want To Be Strong Just Like You No Wait To Be Stronger (Free X Reader X Shu )Where stories live. Discover now