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During training Chris decided that it was time to get serious about training since the tournament is coming up already.
"Alright today I would have you guys go against one on one with Free." Chris said while deciding who should go first.
"(Y/n)! You will be the first opponent that would go against Free." Chris said.

"Sure I don't mind going first." Said (y/n) as she started to walk towards the bey stadium where Free is.
"Well Free I guess I'm your opponent, I feel pretty excited about going against such a strong blader." (Y/n) said while smiling at Free while he just smirked back.

"You both ready" Chris said
"Yeah!" Both free and (y/n) said.
3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!
Both beys clash right away
'No way his bey is a left rotation?!' Thought (y/n).

"Is that all you got, I thought you said you would show me what a strong blader would look like." Said Free as he smirked at (y/n).
"Oh yeah I'll show you!!" Said (y/n).
"Go (b/n) show them what your capable of" said (y/n) as (b/n) clash with Drain Fafnir causing them to both stop spinning.
"It's a tie!" Said Chris.
"No way she tied with Free!" Everyone said
"Well how was that Free" said (y/n).
"Hmm it's alright" said Free

Both (y/n) and free got on there launching position for round two.
3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!
Drain Fafnir took the center while (b/n) went for an attack but in every attack (b/n) started to slow down while the other started to get faster.
'Why is (b/n) slowing down quickly? and why is Fafnir increasing speed?!' Thought (y/n) but her thoughts were interrupted when she heard her bey burst.
"No way but how?!" Said (y/n).
"There's a reason why my bey is called Drain Fafnir because it drains all it's opponent attacks and use it to increase speed." Free said
"I've never seen a bey like that." Said (y/n)

"Good work you guys alright who's next to face against Free" said Chris but was interrupted by her advisor, Trad.
"There's someone outside saying they came to visit some people." Said Trad
"Really did he mention his name?" Said Chris.
"I believe he said his name was Shu." Said Trad.

"SHU!!" Said both Valt and hancho
"Where is he!!" They both asked
"Outside and I .. " said Trad but didn't finish since both Valt and hancho ran out the doors before he could finish talking.
"Shu" said (y/n)
"Do you know this Shu (y/n)?" Said Chris.
"Yeah his a friend" said (y/n).
"Really then I don't see any reason for you not to go see him so go ahead (y/n) go see this Shu guy" said Chris.
"Thanks" said (y/n) as she quickly walks to the exit.
"He must be an important person for (y/n) if she quickly headed out the door don't you think so Free" said Chris
"Hmm" was the only response Free said as he watched (y/n) quickly leave the building.

Outside Valt and Hancho were talking to Shu all excited that they get too see their old friend again.
"Shu is that really you?" Said (y/n) as Shu stopped talking with his friends to see who it was.
"(Y/n)! Hey it's been awhile since we've see each other how you been?" Shu said
"I'm good but what are you doing here ? " said (y/n)
"I was in the neighborhood and decided to come by and see you guys." Said Shu
"That's nice of you Shu so what do you wanna do?" Asked (y/n)
"How about we go get something to eat." Said Shu
"I'd love that." Said (y/n)
"Yeah we're pretty hungry too." Said Valt and hancho.

After they all had their lunch they decided to go to the nearest beypark and hang there. Once they arrive Valt and Hancho decided to go against each other while (y/n) and Shu sat at a bench to chat.

"So how's the American team for you?" Asked (y/n)
"You mean Raging Bulls it's great but it's not the same without you and the others." Said Shu
"What do you mean Shu?"
"Its just there so serious and boring but with you guys I'm actually having fun."
"Yeah I know what you mean BC sol is somewhat the same it gets boring when all we do is train."
"Haha I don't mind the training but I sometimes miss the old days with you and Valt especially you" Shu said while whispering the last part while blushing.
"Yeah I miss those days too and I miss you too Shu it's not the same without you like yeah I have Valt and Hancho but it's still not the same without you" (y/n) said as she looks up at Shu while he looks back at her both staring at each other.
"Shu do your best at the tournament's I'll be waiting for you in the finals"
"Yeah you do the same (y/n)" said Shu unaware that someone was listening to their conversation.
A couple of feet away stood Free hiding behind a tree listening to your conversation with that guy. It bother him to see (y/n) leave in a hurry to meet some guy he didn't understand why. So he followed her and when he saw (y/n) sitting alone with that guy it bother him even more so he decided to listen to your guys conversation but when he heard (y/n) say that she miss him and that she will be waiting for him in the finals it made him feel this pain in his chest. But he didn't quite understand why, why does it bother him seeing (y/n) with another guy and not with him.
'What's this pain feeling on my chest?' Thought free as he continue to look at (y/n) smiling at Shu.

I Want To Be Strong Just Like You No Wait To Be Stronger (Free X Reader X Shu )Where stories live. Discover now