Let the training begin

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No One P.O.V

"Finally it's summer vacation now I can forget about school for a while and focus on training" (y/n) said

"(Y/n) honey you better hurry up or your pancakes gonna get cold " your mom said

"Alright mom I'll be downstairs in 5 minutes " (y/n) said

(Meanwhile in the kitchen)

Both your parents were talking while they wait for you to come downstairs and join them to eat.

"Hey Darling you do remember that next month is my mother's birthday right?" Your mom said

"Of course I know (m/n) what kind of son in law would I be if I forget your mother bday." your dad said

"I was just making sure so you could get a day off from work you know so we could spend the whole day with her. Since you know and I don't want her being alone." Your mom said

"It's okay (m/n) I'll get a day off so don't worry and how come you don't tell your mother to come and live with us so she won't be lonely" your dad said

"Well I did I tried convincing her to move in with us but like always she refuse to listen. She says that she's still waiting on him." Your mom said

"She does realize that it's been 5 years already she needs to let him go it's not healthy for her to continue on like this." Your dad said

"Yea I know but I don't know I can't force her to leave" your mom said

"Hey what are you guys talking about?" (Y/n) said

"Oh it's nothing honey I was just reminding your father that your grandmother birthday is next month" your mom said

"Oh yea it is I almost forgot so what are we gonna do for granny bday mom." (Y/n) said

"Well I was planning to go spend the whole day with her so don't go making plans with others alright." Mom said

"Don't worry mom I won't plus I want to see granny I haven't seen her in awhile." (Y/n) said

"So (y/n) what are you planning to do today after all it's the first day of summer." Your dad ask while taking a sip of his coffee

You looked at your father. Your brown eyes looking straight at his (fe/c) (fathers eye color) while smiling at him.

"That's easy dad I've decided that today is training day I need to get myself and (b/n) in shape after all it's been awhile since we trained. I can't let myself get rusty after all I have a match with someone and I tend to win!" (Y/n) said

"Haha that's my girl aiming to be the best" your dad said

After talking with your parents you finished eating and helped your mom clean the table. You also decided to help dry the dishes. Once you were done you  decided to go head out to your backyard where your own bey stadium was at.

(Y/n) P.O.V

Alright now its time to stop fooling around and get busy. Okay what should I do first hmm oh right I need to stretch first don't want to pull a muscle or something.

(Finish streching)

Now that I stretch I should start warming up and what better way to warm up then working out.
Does 15 push ups
25 sit ups
10 pull ups

Alright now that I got my body all warmed up it's time to start training and coming up with a new move.
I walked over to the bey stadium and got on my launching position.

'Here I go'

3 2 1 GO Shoot!

Mom P.O.V

There finally done cleaning the house I can't believe it's already late I better start making dinner. I start heading to the kitchen just as I was preparing dinner I looked through the kitchen window to see (y/n) training.

'She's still at it, it's been hours already?!' I thought

"Honey" I heard my husband calling me

"Yea?" I said

"You okay cause you been looking out the window for like 10 min without moving?" I heard him say

"Yea I was just seeing how (y/n) haven't finish training" I said

"Really? She started since morning she would have gotten tired along time ago or at least take a break by now" he said

"Yea but then again she really loves beyblading and she did say she wanted to be the best bladder in the world" I said

"That's true haha you know (y/n) just like him being passionate about beyblade. Maybe it runs in the family I'm just surprised you didn't turn out like him after all he is your.." I heard him say but I decided to cut him off

"Hey don't you gotta finish some project for work?!" I said

"Oh yea I forgot well I better get started call me when dinner ready" I heard him say as he started to leave

'(Y/n) your father is right your so passionate about beyblade just like him. I do believe one day you will reach your goal honey. After all that's how he became strong, one of these days (y/n) your gonna surpass him your gonna be stronger than your grandfather' I thought as I continue to look out the window.

I Want To Be Strong Just Like You No Wait To Be Stronger (Free X Reader X Shu )Where stories live. Discover now