Why Me !

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(Y/n) P.O.V

It's been a couple of days since free left us I still dont know why he left did I do something wrong? First Shu went missing now free left. Why did this had to happen to me.

'Theres no time to be depressed I'm the team captain now and my team needs me.' I thought as I slapped my cheeks to get myself together.

"(Y/n)?" I heard someone say as I turned to see who it was.

"Valt? What's wrong?" I asked seeing that he had a worry look.

"Well it's just that we wanted to know if you were okay since free left the team." I heard him say

"Yeah wait did you say we?" I asked

"Yeah the whole team members of BC Sol are worried about you since you've been upset ever since he left." I heard him say.

"Well to be honest valt I was pretty upset that he left but not because of free but also because we still couldn't find shu after he went missing." I said while looking away.

"(Y/n)." I heard him say all worried

"But it's okay valt I'm fine right now we have a tournament to win and my team comes first I am team captain now and it's my job to make sure my teammates are ready." I said while looking back at valt while smiling

'Then after the tournament is over we go look for shu and free together.' I thought

"Yeah your right (y/n) let's go get the others." Valt said finally smiling.

*Skip to The finals*

"So who's this crimson rose team that we are suppose to versus?" Valt asked 

"I'm not sure I haven't heard much about them all I know is that their new." hancho asked 

"new or not we have to win" I said 

"well well (y/n) I didn't expect you to be here what a small world right" I heard someone say as I turned around to see that it was rose.

"Rose?! what are you doing here" I said all surprised

"well isn't it obvious I'm here to versus against your team and I'm planning on winning." I heard her say while smirking at me

"well I'm not planning on losing either." I said while glaring at her 

"well lets see if you can beat my team." I heard her say as I looked at her team members they really didn't look strong until I spotted him.

'free!' I thought as I starred at him all shocked but he didn't even look at me 'why?' 

"have fun losing (y/n)" I heard rose say as she walked away with free right behind her.

"(y/n) are you okay?" I heard valt say

"yeah I'm fine." I said as I tried to focus on the tournament

Skip to the final

so far the score is 2-2 I still cant believe its a tie but I really shouldn't be surprised since free is with them. I don't understand why he left us and to go on rose team what was he thinking. but right now I cant get distracted I need to focus on winning.

"well (y/n) are you ready to lose like last time." I heard rose say while smirking 

"that's not gonna happen rose because (b/n) aren't gonna lose that easily."

"oh well I guess I'm gonna have to crush the confidence of you and not only that but something else." I heard rose say but not the last part since she whispered it.

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!

I should have never underestimated her maybe then this would have never happen it happened so fast we both launched our beys they quickly clashed with one another and they both were sent flying of the stadium. Then the second round came I was able to make my bey go fast and quickly knock of rose bey and get the first point. Third round came and I was feeling over confident we both launch our beys they quickly clashed neither one of them giving up they both looked even to me however I missed judge as I had no clue that rose had one trick up her sleeve that's when everything went from bad to worse her bey had suddenly started spinning faster that it was pushing my bey against the wall. I couldn't do anything as I just watched my bey be crushed against the wall then it burst but when it did I had this horrible feeling I quickly went to go pick up the pieces and when I did I noticed that my bey didn't just burst it had cracked and split into half.

'what have I done'  I thought as my knees hit the ground ' I'm sorry (b/n)' as I fought back my tears that were starting to come out.

"Well (y/n) looks like you lose but not only the finals but also your Bey and not to mention two of your friends." I heard her say without looking back at her but I could tell she was smirking when she told me that.

I wanted to yell back at her but right now I couldn't I had so many emotions going through me I was mad at her, I was disappointed yet confused that free left us for her, I was sad about what happened to (b/n). Frustrated that I couldn't find Shu I couldn't take it anymore so I got up and left I didn't care if everyone was watching me leave  I wasn't gonna break down in front of them and I wasnt gonna have rose have it her way either.

"Say what you want but whatever you say won't break me." I said as I turned to glare at rose then left.

'Guess shes hard to break I'll give her credit for that.' Rose thought as she turned to look at her team.
"Let's go."


"(Y/n) you okay dont worry we will find a way to fix (b/n)." I heard valt

"Valt I don't think (b/n) can get fixed." I said a little upset

"(Y/n)?" I heard both honcho and valt say

"Its fine I'm okay." I faked smiled while fighting back tears

Ring Ring I heard my cellphone ring (yes you have a cellphone you just dont use it much.)

"Hello?" I asked



"Yeah it's me look listen to me I need you to come home."

"Why? Did something happened?"

"Yes (y/n) it's your grandmother....shes
....in the hospital.... shes not gonna make it and shes asking for you so come home quickly."

Click I hanged up the phone as I felt my heart shatter into pieces my legs gave up on me and i fell on the ground that's it I couldn't take it anymore I let everything out as I started to cry I was starting to lose everything that was important to me.

I Want To Be Strong Just Like You No Wait To Be Stronger (Free X Reader X Shu )Where stories live. Discover now