Shu Ending

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"Now tell me where is he, tell me where is Shu?!" I said impatiently. "I don't know what you're talking about? What makes you think I know where he is?" Avery said while avoiding your gaze. 

"Avery I already beat you not to mention I figured out your real identity so why can't you just admit that you lost already?!" I said feeling frustrated. "Yeah, so what? I don't have to tell you anything," she responded back as I sigh. 

"Look if you show me where he is I promise I won't tell anyone about you okay?" I said hoping she would agree. 

"Fine I'll show you so let's go," Avery said as she started to walk. "WAIT, you mean right now?" I asked as she just nodded her head yes. 

"But its nighttime can't we just wait until tomorrow morning?" I asked as she glared back at me. "NO its too risky, if we wait until tomorrow morning your friends would know your hiding something and they would try to follow you. Plus there's someone that would want to meet you and its rude to keep them waiting don't you think so (y/n)?" Avery said as she smirked at me.

"I guess so," I said as I followed behind, "So where are we going?" I asked as Avery just turn around to face me, "You'll see," she said 

A couple of hours later 

"What are we doing at the Snake Pit?" I asked surprised after I had woken up from falling asleep on our way here.

"I told you there's someone who's been meaning to face you," Avery said as she walked ahead leaving me behind. "Hey wait up and what about Shu?" I asked as I caught up to her. "Look just be quiet and just follow me, no more asking question and did you forget you and I aren't buddies we're enemies and just because you beat me doesn't mean I'm going to be nicer to you. Besides the person that wants to meet you knows about Shu too so shut up and hurry up," Avery said as glared at me.

"Fine," I answered as we continue to walk through a dark tunnel for a couple of minutes until I saw light coming from the end of the tunnel. As we made it to the end of the tunnel I had to close my eyes for a couple of seconds to adjust them to the bright lights. Once I did I spotted someone from the distance and as I walked a little closer I noticed that the person was no one other than Red eyes. 

"Red Eyes," I hissed as he just stands there. "Rose I see you brought our guest," he said as Rose or should I say Avery walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek then smiled at him, "Yes, I did as you told me too," she said as she snuggled closer to him. 

"Um, I'm still here you know right?" I asked as they turned to look at me, "now Ave... I mean Rose told me that you know the whereabouts about Shu Kurenai is that right?" 

"Yes that's right but why should I tell you, have you ever consider that maybe he doesn't want to be found?" he said as he got out of Rose grip and walked towards me. Now he was standing right in front of me but I couldn't tell what he was thinking with that mask on his face but for some reason, I had a feeling his eyes were staring back at mines as if he was challenging me. 

"You don't know that, what if Shu is in danger and he needs our help? Or maybe you guys have him locked up somewhere and you're not telling me?" I asked while glaring back at him, "I mean that has to be somewhat true as seeing that you have his bey after all?" I commented but he didn't even flinch.

"Your right I do have his bey but that's because he wasn't worthy of having such an amazing bey so I decided to keep it for myself," he replied as he smirked.

"SHUT UP!" I shouted at him, "You don't deserve that bey, that bey belongs to Shu and you have no idea how much he loved that bey. You have no idea how much effort he puts in his training to become one of the strongest bladers!" I managed to say as my body was shaking because of how furious I was. 

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