How did he became so strong?

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(Y/n) P.O.V

'Man after what happened last night I don't know what I'm gonna do. I'm just glad that nobody else knows about my situation I don't want people thinking I'm weak.' I thought as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. After 5 minutes I took a deep breath and got ready to meet up with my parents in the living room.

'I have to act normal I don't want my parents getting worried about me after all today is my grandma birthday I don't want to ruin it ' I thought as I walked down the stairs heading towards the living room.

"Morning honey you ready to go see your grandma we're planning to go eat breakfast with her so let's hurry up." Your mom said as she headed out the door with your father following right behind her.

'This is gonna be a long day'  I thought as I closed the door to our house and got inside the car. During our ride to grandma, mom kept singing and laughing with dad about some joke I don't know I really wasn't paying attention. I just stared out the window but I guess I was being too quiet that my mom notice.

"(Y/n) are you okay, you've been really quiet since we left" I heard her say.
"Yea I'm fine I'm just thinking about how long it's been since I last saw grandma" I responded.
"Okay honey but if something wrong let me know" I heard her say

I know I lied to my mom but some of it was true I was thinking about how long it's been since I've seen grandma. I think the last time I saw her was 2 years ago since she left to America for some personal issue. I must have been in pretty deep thought that I didn't notice we finally have arrived. We got out of the car and went inside grandma house.

"(M/n) is that you! I haven't seen you in awhile dear how you been" I heard granny say.
"I'm fine mom I just wanted to surprise you by coming over especially today since it's your birthday. Happy birthday mom." I heard my mom say as she gave my granny a hug.
"Anyways there's someone who's been waiting to meet you since you left to America." I heard my mom say as she pointed towards me.
"Oh my is that you (y/n), you've grown up since that last time I saw you." I heard her say.
"Yea it's me grandma." I said as she smiles at me.

After our little reunion, we ate breakfast that my grandma made. Then we decided to go to the mall to buy my grandma somethings, watch a movie and eat ice cream. It's been awhile since my family and I did something together usually my parents are busy working. But after today seeing them all having a great time made me feel happy. As we finish shopping we headed back to grandma place to end her birthday with a cake. We were all at the kitchen singing her happy birthday as she blew the candle out making her wish. Everything was going fine until..

"Hey (y/n) your mom told me that you want to become the world best bladder just like your grandfather. That's great I can't wait to go to your next tournament I'm sorry that I couldn't go to your last one." I heard her say as I flinch but I'm not sure if she notice it.

"Yea don't worry about it grandma there's always next time." I said forcing a smile I really didn't wanted to talk about beyblading right now.

"So When is your next tournament I really want to see how strong you are." I heard her say.

"Umm idk I'm taking a break for awhile from beyblading." I said while looking away.

"Why?" I heard her ask.
"Its nothing serious I just want a couple of days off from beyblading." I said while looking down on the ground not trying to look at her cause ik she's upset about my decision.

"(Y/n) does this have to do about you losing your last match..
"How do you know" I interrupted as I faced her

"Your mom told me, she also mentioned that you haven't been yourself since then." I heard her say all worried. I didn't know what to tell her I didn't wanted anyone to find out the real reason why I'm taking a break.

"(Y/n) what's actually going on and don't lie to me." I heard her say.
"Okay grandma I'll tell you well it's just not because I lost my match against Lui but ever since I lost to him I've been having a hard time launching my bey. Every time I try my hands start to shake and I start to have flashbacks about my battle against him. I...I think I'm afraid of beyblading so that's why I want a break from it for awhile." I finally confessed.

"Well (y/n) even if you are afraid wouldn't it be best to face your fear than run and hide with regrets." I heard her say.
"No (y/n) listen didn't you told me that your dream is to be the world's best bladder"
"Yes but..
"Then don't let fear get in the way of reaching your goals. I know your scared and going through a rough time dear but sometimes to get stronger you need to accept what your going through and keep pushing forward."
"Grandma can I ask you something"
"Sure dear
"How was grandpa able to become so strong without being scared"
"Oh(y/n) You still got a few things to learn your grandfather wasn't perfect nobody is actually. He went through something similar to what your going through."
"Really?! Then how did he overcame it"
"Well like I told you he accepted his fear and kept pushing forward. At first he was devastated after he lost to another tough opponent he took a break from beyblading for awhile. He wasn't the same but after a couple of days he finally accepted defeat, he stopped running away and trained everyday trying to get stronger until he defeated the other guy. He was able to learn that being afraid of something and running away isn't gonna get you anywhere. And because he stopped running away he was once again the strongest bladder, so (y/n) my question for you is what are you gonna do? Are you just gonna keep running away? Or are you finally gonna pull yourself together?"

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