Chapter 19

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(I couldn't think of a title for this chapter other than that here's another chapter enjoy!)

Ever since (y/n) and the others went to the carnival, (y/n) has been feeling more relaxed than ever.

(Y/n) P.O.V

'I think I should start taking more days off'
"Hey there (y/n)." Someone said as I turned around to see who it is.
"Oh hey there Chris"
"How you been?" Chris asked
"Pretty good"
"Really cause you seem really calm than  usual?"
"What do you mean than usual chris?"
"Haha well (y/n) usually I would see you running up and down getting the rest of the team for a practice session."
"Oh hehe well I guess I just decided to take sometime of from training." I said while scratching my cheek.
"That's great (y/n) that you decide to take a break once in awhile just don't start getting too much breaks or else you might become just like free haha. "
"Haha don't worry Chris I'll make sure not to let it happen."

"What about me?" Free said as both chris and I turned around to see him behind us.
"Oh nothing important well I better get going you guys see you around (y/n)." Chris said as she waved goodbye
"So what was that all about?" Free asked while yawning
"Like she said nothing important free." I said as I walked away as free tagged along.
"So where we going?" Free asked
"We? I never said you could come but if you must know I'm heading to the beypark for some fresh air."
"Alright let's go I need some fresh air too." Free said as he grabs my arm and drags me.

Meanwhile somewhere else

"You know she has already lost interest in you. She found someone else to be with." ??? Said
"No your wrong." ??? Said
"Oh you don't believe me then why don't you go see it for yourself." ??? Said

At the beypark

"Hey Free so far what do you think about the tournament?"
"Hmm.. it's pretty easy so far there hasn't been any good challengers." He said
"Really? Well I guess I see why your the world's best bladder."
"Hmm but I think ik someone who would give me a good challenge." I heard him say
"Really like who?"
"That's for me to know and you to find out." He said while smiling
"What that's not fair." I said as we decided to sit on a bench and enjoy the view.
(This is what you see)

Then I started to hear someone laughing and I decided to turn around only to see a couple of kids beyblading each other

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Then I started to hear someone laughing and I decided to turn around only to see a couple of kids beyblading each other. I smiled while watching the kids play and watching them play reminded me of me when I was little.

"Aww I lost again dam grandpa how are you always beating me." Little you said
"Haha it's cause I'm that good."
"I bet your cheating."
"I never cheat you just gotta keep trying (y/n) and then someday you will get strong."
"Really then I'll train everyday to get stronger and beat you."
"Haha I'll be waiting until that day comes."

"(Y/n)!" I heard Free say my name
"Huh what's wrong." I said as I faced him
"I've been calling you but you didn't listen. Are you okay?" He said
"Oh I'm sorry I was just watching those kids over there play and it reminded me of me when I was little."
"Alright then but if something bothering you don't hesitate to tell me okay." He said
"Don't worry free I'm okay. Hey how about we go get some ice cream?"
"Sure let's go."

As I was getting up I felt someone bump into me from the back which caused me to bump into Free as he grabbed me. I turned around only to see that it was a kid and he quickly apologies and leaves.
'I'm guessing he was in a hurry." I thought as I just notice that free was still holding me.
"Um Free you can let go now." I said while blushing a little
"Huh of sorry." He said while blushing and letting me go
"Common let's go get some ice cream." He said as we started to walk to the ice cream store.

We arrived and Free order himself a chocolate ice cream and I asked for (f/f)(favorite flavor) and we decided to sit on one of the chairs they had outside and chat.
"Hey (y/n) you got some ice cream on your shirt." He said as I looked down on my shirt to see that there wasn't any thing there. But when I looked back up I saw that he took a bite of my ice cream.
"Hey free that's my ice cream."
"Mmm it's taste pretty good." He said as I then realize he had some ice cream on his nose and I start to laugh.
"Hey what's so funny (y/n)?"
"You should look at your face." I say while laughing.
Unaware that someone was watching us.

"This can't be happening?!" Someone whispered to themselves.

"Alright Alright I'll stop laughing Free anyways it's getting late we should head back."
"Good and yeah the sun is starting to set  we should go." Free said as we started to head back.

By the time we arrived back it was already night time and Free and I went our separate ways since our dorms were each on different sides. As I finally made it to my dorm I placed (b/n) next to the lamp where I always place it. Just when I was about to turn off the lights my window opens and a strong wind knocks off a picture frame from my wall. I quickly close my window and lock it so it won't open again. I make my way to the photo that was knocked off the wall and see that it was the photo that I took with Valt and Shu a couple of days before Shu left to America. I saw that there was a crack on the glass from Shu side of the picture.
"I guess I'll have to buy a new frame since this one Is already broken."
'But for some odd reason I feel like something gonna happen.'

Somewhere else

"So do you believe me now?"
"Yes and it hurts to see them together I cant take this pain anymore "
"What if I told you I know how to make the pain go away?"
"I'll make you stronger than you once were before but it won't be easy."
"I don't care just make this pain go away."
"Alright then but I did warn you so are you ready Kurenai Shu."

I Want To Be Strong Just Like You No Wait To Be Stronger (Free X Reader X Shu )Where stories live. Discover now