Welcome Home Gingka

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The next day (y/n) and Gingka had finally managed to arrive back in Japan. Once they landed they quickly wasted no time in heading towards the hospital that Madoka was at. 

At the hospital (y/n) p.o.v 

"hey Grandpa are you excited about seeing grandma again after all these years?" I said as we were walking through the hallway 

"honestly, I'm pretty nervous hehe." Gingka said as he nervously scratched his cheek 

"Is it because you two have been apart for so long?" I asked feeling somewhat confused

"no it's not that its just your grandma can be a bit scary and not to mention I really haven't been calling her back and I'm sure she's mad at me for that." Gingka said a little scared of his wife.

"well you're going to have to pull yourself together cause were here already," I said as I slowly open the door to the room my grandma is staying at.

"Hi, their grandma sorry it took longer to get back," I said as my grandma smiled back at me but froze when she saw my grandpa right next to me. "Gingka is that you?" she said 

"Hey, there Madoka is been a long time hasn't it, you loo...." but didn't finish as he got interrupted by Madoka hugging him at first he was shocked but recover quickly and hugged her back. "I missed you so much I thought I would never be able to see you again," she said as tears started to come out but she quickly wiped them away. 

"I missed you too Madoka, but you should really be laying down in bed," he said as he helped her get back in her bed. I watched as both my grandparents care for one another seeing them made me happy. I decided it was best for me to leave and let them catch up but just when I was about to open the door,

"wait (y/n) don't go come and sit right next to your grandfather and chat with us I'm pretty sure he would be delighted to hear about you beyblading isn't that right honey?" She said while looking at her husband who also agreed. ' Might as well I really don't want to decline and upset them'  I thought as I sat down right next to my grandfather.

 "so (y/n) your grandmother would tell me all about the tournaments you participated and how strong you've grown I'm really proud of you (y/n). You know when your mother wasn't interested in beyblading it kinda upset me knowing my own daughter didn't have a passion at something that I loved as a kid don't get me wrong I wasn't mad at her I still supported her own interest but when I heard that my granddaughter had an interest in beyblading it made me happy." He said as he smiled at me "not to mention I finally get to see you compete and maybe we can have a battle between me and you it's been a really long time and I want to see how much you' ve grown with (b/n) but I'll warn you I might be old but this old guy still got his skills even so I dont really compete anymore." He said while both my grandparents laughed as I flinched when he mentions (b/n).

'That's right they don't know about (b/n) ' I thought as I clenched my fist

"Hey (y/n) is everything alright?" Madoka asked sounding worried as I just stare at her debating if I should tell her not. Then I felt my grandpa place his hand on my shoulder comforting me. I went to my pocket and slowly took out my bey and showed them.

"I'm sorry grandpa but the bey you gave me is broken and it can't get fixed," I said while looking down feeling ashamed as he took the bey in his hand.

"What happened?!" Madoka said while looking at (b/n). "It happened during my last battle I was careless and because of that (b/n) got hurt," I said feeling guilty

'I can't believe I was so reckless, I should have been more careful I should have never let my emotion take over me. I let everyone down, I'm not strong at all I couldn't find Shu and I couldn't even stop free from leaving and most of all I let you down (b/n) I'm pretty sure grandpa is disappointed in me right now' I thought as I felt a teardrop roll down my cheek. But to my surprise I felt someone pull me into a hug I slowly looked up to see that it was my grandfather.

"hey it's alright (y/n) I'm not mad at you," he whispered softly as he continues to hug me while I continued to cry, it felt like hours had gone by, but in reality it was just about 10 minutes that pass by that I had finally decided to stop crying.   

"thanks, grandpa I really needed that, " I said while wiping my tears away and feeling embarrassed that he saw me crying since I'm not used too people seeing me cry.

"Now (y/n) mind telling me what happened?" Gingka said softly. I hesitated for a while not wanting to remember but if telling him would make me feel less stress then I wouldn't mind, so I told both my grandparents about my situation on how Shu went missing, Free leaving the team, and how Rose manages to provoke me which caused (b/n) to get hurt in the process.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that maybe if I shouldn't have gotten you interested in beyblading then you wouldn't have gone through all this (y/n). This is my fault you would have lived a normal teenage life without going through all this, " I heard my grandpa say as he looked away from me.

"That's not true! I love beyblading Grandpa I'm really glad that you introduced it to me. Ever since grandma mentioned stories about you when you were younger and how you loved beyblading it got me interested and when I tried beyblading for the first time I fell in love with it. I finally understood why you loved it so much and when I heard that you were a legend it just motivated me more. I wanted to be strong just like you no wait stronger, I didn't want to be known as the granddaughter of a legendary blader, I wanted people to recognize me as (y/n). Not to mention one of these days I'm going to surpass you grandpa!" I said full of determination as Gingka looked at me all shocked then he smiles at me as tears started to run down his cheek. I was surprised to see my grandpa cry I never saw him cry before.

"You really know how to make this old man happy (y/n)," he said as he continued to smile as he placed one of his hand on my head "so keep working hard because I believe in you". Hearing him say that made me feel at ease because after everything that I went through these past few days had caused me to doubt in myself, but hearing him say those word had made those doubts fade away because knowing that someone still has faith in me gave me the strength to keep moving forward.

"Dad?!" someone said as we all turned around

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