The Tournament Begins

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"And team raging bulls win with 3-0 with Kurenai Shu ending it with a burst finish." Said the announcer as Valt, Hancho and (y/n) were watching live on the T.V
"Wow shu is so cool right guys." Said Valt
"Yeah his pretty strong but not stronger than me." Said Hancho
"Haha I'm pretty sure his stronger than you Hancho."Said (y/n).
"His not that good." Someone said as the three of them turn around to see who it was.
"Free!!" They said.
"Yeah" he said
"What are you doing here?" They asked
"Oh right Chris asked me to come and get you guys to discuss about strategies for our battle." Said free with a blank face.
'What!? He actually came looking for us and not being lazy!' They thought.

After they all had their discussion about strategies they all headed to the arena where they would battle against team Top Wand.
"Lets do this you guys.. hey wait a minute where is Free?" Said Valt
"I don't know I guess it's our job to win this are you ready guys." Said (y/n).
"Okay okay today's battle is against Team Top Wand vs Team BC Sol who would move on to the next round and who would be disqualified." Said the announcer.
"First battle are you guys ready!" Said the announcer.
"I'll go first you guys it's finally my time to shine." Said Hancho as he walked towards the center.

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!

"And team Top Wand gets the first point by a ring out finish" said the announcer.
"I'm sorry guys." Said Hancho
"Its okay Hancho at least you gave it your all." Said Valt
"Yeah don't worry I'll go next you guys." Said (y/n).

Ready 3 2 1 GO SHOOT!

"And a burst finish this must have been one of the quickest match I've ever seen amazing. Now BC Sol is in the lead will the other team make a comback or is it all over." Said the announcer

"Wow (y/n) that was amazing." Both Hancho and Valt said.
"Nah my opponent wasn't really that strong." Said (y/n)
"I got admit that was pretty good" said Free while making his way to his team.

"Free where were you?" Said (y/n)
"Sorry I had something important to do." He said
"It better be something really important for you not being here as our captain." Said Hancho
"Calm down I wasn't worry because I knew we weren't gonna lose with (y/n) in our team she's a strong blader." Free said while looking at (y/n) as she blushed a little.
"Anyways I'm here so no worries I'll end this real quick so we can go home already." Said Free as he yawned.

"And BC Sol wins with another burst Finish, they would be moving on to the next round!" Said the announcer

"Yes we won !!" Said Valt and Hancho as they high five each other while Free walk towards (y/n) to give her a friendly hug or so she thought until he wouldn't let go of her.

"Hey free you can let go." Said (y/n)
"Hmm I'm too tired to let go." Said free as he yawn.
"Haha free your always tired but can you let go so I can go get something too eat." Said (y/n)
"Alright." Said free as he let go of her but grabbed her hand instead.
"I know a place where the food taste pretty good." Said free while he smiled at (y/n).
"Sure." Said (y/n) as she smiled back at him. Unaware that she was still live on T.V and from her perspective it was a friendly smile but from the audience perspective it look like (y/n) and free were two lovebirds smiling at each other while holding hands.

And not too mention a certain someone was watching from his T.V.
'What?! This can't be happening I can't lose you (y/n). I still didn't get to tell you how I feel about you.' Thought Shu as he watched (y/n) holding hand with that other guy while smiling at him. Seeing this made his heart shatter.

(Sorry it's short next time I'll make it a little bit longer)

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