A New Champion?

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No One P.O.V

It's been a couple of days since both shu and Valt had left ever since then (y/n) has been training everyday. From time to time she challenges other bladders to a battle and like always she comes out as the winner. She has beaten many opponents that people started to call her the fierce empress. She beats her opponents without letting them get an opportunity to strike back. (Y/n) has been preparing herself for the finals yes she has made her way up to the finals without a problem. But her biggest challenge is yet to come, she still needs to defeat the undefeated champion Lui in order for her to be crown the next champion.

(With (y/n) )

"Honey are you okay, you've been staring at your food for awhile now. Is there something that's bothering you?"your mom said as your family were at the table having breakfast together.

"Huh? Oh it's nothing mom I just spaced out that's all so don't worry okay"(y/n) said

"Are you sure?" Your mom said still not convinced
"She's fine dear, she's probably just nervous that today is her final match against the champion. I would have felt the same knowing I was going up against a strong opponent too" your dad said as he gave you a smile

"Actually dad I'm pretty excited, I get to versus the undefeated champion. You know how many have failed to beat him and today is my chance to finally show people that what I'm capable of." (Y/n) said as she started to eat her food

"Haha well that's my girl ain't afraid of anything" your dad said

"Haha thanks dad "(y/n) said
"Okay and honey do your best and remember your father and I would be cheering for you" your mom said

"Alright" (y/n) said
'Though I wish Valt and Shu were here to see this' (y/n) thought

(To the final match)

"Okay guys listen up today's final battle would be against the undefeated champion lui vs the fierce empress (y/n) !!) The announcer said as the crowd started to cheer.
"First let's introduce the the challenger herself. She started out as a rookie but she quickly made her way to the top and beaten her opponents like nothing. Everyone I introduce the one and only fierce empress (y/n)!!!" The announcer said as (y/n) started to make her way to the center of the stadium.

"In the other corner we have our  champion himself, many has gone up against him but failed can (y/n) finally beat his winning streak? Everyone I introduce you to the undefeated champion Lui!!" The announcer said as lui started to make his way to the center of the stadium while staring at (y/n).

"You guys both ready" the referee said
"Yes" both lui and (y/n) said while staring at each other and getting in their launching position.

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!

Just as both beys made contact with each other they both were send flying of the bey stadium.

"It's a draw no points"the referee said while both bladders were getting on their launching position for round two.

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!

Both beys made it safely to the arena and clashing with one another neither one of them giving up.

"Let's go (b/n) show no mercy" (y/n) said as her bey started to go faster and heading towards luinor knocking it out of the stadium.

"Its a ring out finish (y/n) gets 1 point" referee said as (y/n) smirk at lui, who had a blank face.

'Let's win this (b/n) just one more point' (y/n) thought

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!
Both beys went head on with each other not giving up.
"Come on (b/n) I know you can do this" (y/n) said encouraging her bey to pull through but then she heard like an insane laugh. She looks up to see lui laughing.

'Whats so funny?' Thought (y/n)

"This battle is already over you lose" he said while smirking at (y/n)

"What?!" (Y/n) said but then she saw her bey being sent flying towards her but just before it could hit her face it burst.
"A burst finish lui gets 2 points so he wins" the referee said as you stare at lui shock that he tried hitting you with your own bey.

'He tried hitting me with (b/n) I won't let this slide I won't forgive him for this' (y/n) thought

"Hey I won't let this slide you hear me lui I'll get even with you. No one forces (b/n) to hit me you coward !!" (Y/n) said glaring at lui

"Well it's too bad that it burst I was really hoping to go for another shot I was hoping for luinor to do more damage." Lui said as he started to walk away leaving you furious after hearing what he just said too you.

"Well it looks like the champion is still undefeated it was so close but in the end lui won" the announcer said as (y/n) started to head towards the exit and meeting up with her parents.

'This isn't over lui' (y/n) thought unaware that two people have been watching her battle on T.V.

(Somewhere else )

'(Y/n) lost and that bastard lui tried to hurt her' Shu thought

'(Y/n) lost no way and lui tried to injure her no one hurts my friends' Valt thought

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