Dont leave me

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Hello guys I know I've been updating late sorry about that but just letting you know theirs gonna be slow updates since its summer and I also want to enjoy my vacation and not only that but because I also have my other stories to update as well check them out when you have time. Also just letting you know this chapter is a somewhat sad so have your tissue box right next to you just in case. I also added a song so if you wanted to listen while you read you dont have to it's just a suggestion but anyways enjoy the story!!!

*At the hospital*

Madoka, your grandmother, has been coughing alot recently since you left to go look for your grandfather.

'(Y/n) please come back soon' she thought as she looked out the window

"Cough Cough Come in."

"Hey mom how are you holding up?" Your mother said to your grandmother

"Hehe not so well but I'm managing here (m/n) (mother name)."

"Mom why didn't you tell me sooner about your health I could have found a way to prevent you from going through this." (M/n) said as tears were starting to form in her eyes

"You know I didn't wanted to worry you." Madoka said to her daughter

"Mom I know you dont want me to worry but I rather have you telling me about it then having someone call me telling me that my mother passed out." (M/n) said as tears started to come out

"(M/n) I..."

"Mom I already lost dad I dont want to lose you too I dont want you to leave me either. I know I'm sounding childish right now but mom I dont know what I would do if your not here. I know I have (y/n) and (f/n) but you've always been there for me when I was growing up. Your my mother and no one can ever take your spot." As (m/n) continues to cry

"Its okay honey let it all out." Madoka said as she rubs her daughter back comforting her. "You know (m/n) seeing you act childish makes me happy do you know why?"

"No." (M/n) mumbles

"Because it reminds me of how you were once my little girl that was so childish that easily got mad because she didn't get what she wanted. And watching you grow up was the happiest yet hardiest time for me. Happy because my little princess was growing up into a fine young lady that I see right in front of me." Madoka said while (m/n) looked up at her.

"yet the hardest because I knew that every year as time went by i knew that the day will come when i would have to let you go so you could start your own life and start your own family."


"Honey I know you dont want to see me go I understand because I didn't wanted to let you go either but just as I let you go you will have to let me go as well." Madoka said as she placed her hand on one of her daughter cheek as tears started to come out.

"Mom." (M/n) says while hugging her mother as she hugged back

"Shh it's okay dear I'm still here." Madoka whispered to her daughter

'I wonder if you would hate me if I told you that your father was still alive this whole time. Either way I guess it's time that I told you after all your gonna meet him real soon.' Madoka thought as she stared at her daughter

"Hey (m/n) can I tell you something important?" Madoka asked her daughter but didn't receive a response.

"Honey?" Still no response instead she heard light snoring

"She fell asleep." Madoka whispered to herself as she smiled while gently rubbing her daughter back.

'Maybe I'll wait until she wakes up'

Well that's all for today yes I know short chapter I'll try to make the next one a bit more longer but I decided to have this chapter about some mother and daughter time because why not so until next time.

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