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We continue to keep walking until we saw a door a couple of feet in front of us. We decided to go inside and when we did there was this stadium in the center. Not only that if you were to look down there was no ground so if someone were to trip and fall they would have a long fall.

"Finally you guys have arrived I've been waiting for too long." We heard someone say as they walk out of the shadows.
"Now let me introduce myself...
"Let me guess your mask has purple eyes so you must be purple eye right?" I asked pretty annoyed with there nicknames already.
"Actually it's violet eyes." I heard him say
"Samething!" Me and Valt said
"Now now such impatient guests." Violet eye said
"Can we just skip to the fighting already?" Hancho said all bored
"Fine my bey here is shadow wyvron."
"Wakiya it looks like it's your turn." Daigo said as we all turn to look at him but he looked all pale.
"Hey Wakiya are okay?" I asked
"No." Was the only thing he said
"Oh that's right Wakiya is afraid of heights." Valt said just remembering how his poor friend gets when his up high of the ground.
"Really well don't worry Wakiya I'll help you." I said as I dragged him to the stadium as he whined all the way.
"There now you can battle and try not to look down." I said as I walked away.

"Ready" we heard the usual voice say as both Wakiya and his opponent get ready on their launching position. But before the voice can count to three Wakiya bey fell of his launcher as he quickly went to go get it and place it back.
"Haha how pathetic you can't even place your bey right." Violet eye say as he continue to mock Wakiya. But just as he was gonna say something back to his opponent we heard footsteps coming so we turned to see who it was.
"Red eyes!?" We all said
"What are you doing here this is my battle." Violet eyes said
"I'm battling." Was the only thing he said as he got on his launching position
"Fine I get to knock two birds with one stone then." Wakiya said back to his normal self.

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!

The three of them all launched both wyvron headed to the middle while battling each other meanwhile Spryzen quickly went after them and knocked them both out of the stadium not before bursting them before they hit the ground.
"What!" Both Wakiya and violet eyes said
"No way." Hancho and Daigo said all shocked

"Losers must be eliminated" we heard as both Wakiya and his opponent fell.
"Wakiya!!!" We all said as we looked down at him as he screamed.
"What did you do to him!" I said all mad
"He lost so he needed to be eliminated." Red eyes said
"I'll teach you not to mess with my friends!" Valt said as he glared at Red eyes
"Then show me." He said as he got his bey out
"I will and when I win I'm taking Spryzen back with me." Valt said
"Fine but only if you can beat me." He said
"Hold up Valt wait for me." Daigo said as he made his way towards Valt
"Me too." I said as the three of us glared at Red eyes getting ready for our launching position.

"Hold up!" We heard someone say as we all looked to see who it was only to see another of those mask people. It's just this time this one has pink eyes and it was a female.
"What do you want?" Valt said
"I just happen to be passing around and saw that it was three against one now that isnt a fair fight. So i decided to make it a little bit even." The other masked person said
"Let me guess your name is pink eye?" I said
"Actually just because everyone goes by the color of their eyes I don't just call me Rose." Rose said while taking out her bey.
"Meet my bey, shinning Phoenix." Rose while smirking.
"It doesn't matter who my opponent is I will still win." I said as I got in my launching position.

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!

(B/n), Valtryek and doomscizor all went around the stadium while Spryzen went the opposite direction. While Phoenix headed towards the middle. In an instance doomscizor was knocked out of the stadium while bursting.
"No way?!" Daigo said as the floor he was standing on open and he fell in.
"Daigo!!!" Valt, Hancho and I said.

"Too bad your next (y/n)." Rose said
"Not a chance now (b/n)." I said as (b/n) headed straight towards the middle and knocked Phoenix out of the center.
"Too bad and here I thought you would be more tougher but your weak. It's a real shame that your even related to him." Rose said
"What what are you talking about?!"
"Don't play dumb with me I know who you are."
"I don't know what your talking about." I said
"I'm saying I know who you are (y/n) Hagane."
'But how I never mentioned anyone about my last name?'  I thought but I was so distracted that I wasn't really paying attention to the battle and then I heard a bey burst I quickly went to see who it was. And it was Valtryek that had burst.
'Valt!' I thought as I turned around and as I did I saw that he was starting to fall I quickly moved and grabbed his arm.
"(Y/n)!!!" Valt said
"Don't worry Valt I got you just hang on okay." I said trying my best to not let Valt fall but too bad I couldn't save Hancho and the others.

"Well well (y/n) what are you gonna do are you gonna keep battling and let your friend fall or save your friend and lose the fight." Rose said as I glared at her
"There's no way I'm gonna let my friend fall." I said
"Well then I guess you lost this time and one thing you don't deserve to be a Hagane if your still this weak. Just give up you will never be stronger than gingka Hagane and you will never save shu." Rose said as Phoenix burst (b/n)
"You know where Shu is?" I said
"Yes but I'm not telling unless you can beat me." Rose said
"At least give me a hint..." was all I can say before the floor I was standing on open and I fell while Valt falling after me.

"Well well that's a shame I was hoping for a challenge right red eyes." Rose said while looking at him but he didn't say anything and started to walk away.
"Poor (y/n) she was desperate in finding shu again I wonder if she has feelings for him." Rose said in a teasing voice as red eyes stopped walking.
"Shu gone." Red eyes said as he continues to leave.
'Red eyes your so mean but I like it. Too bad (y/n) but I'm taking him away from you you had a chance and you blew it.' Rose thought as she smirked

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