Meeting Shu

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No one P.O.V

"Finally I'm done with all my test now I can go home and rest" (y/n) said

Just as (y/n) started walking home she heard people cheering and shouting nearby.

"I wonder what's that all about maybe I should go check it out" (y/n) mumble to herself

(Y/n) walked to the source of the noise only to realize she's at a beypark

"Wow I didn't know there was a beypark around here usually I go train in my backyard" (y/n) said

(Y/n) P.O.V

I was just admiring the beypark until I heard people having a bey battle close by so I went to go check it out.

3 2 1 GO Shoot!!

As I got closer to see who was battling I saw that it was Valt that was battling some guy with white hair with red eyes. I decided to watch from where I am I didn't wanted Valt to notice me yet. Also cause I wanted to see how good these guys are.

It didn't take long I was just standing for 5 seconds until I heard Valt bey burst.

'Wow that guy with white hair is pretty good he was able to make Valt bey burst  in seconds' I thought

I kept watching as Valt continues to tell the guy that he wants rematch after rematch

'Poor Valt he hasn't even won against his opponent once maybe it's time for me to interfere this battle before he humiliate himself some more' I thought

Shu P.O.V

"Man shu you gotten stronger than ever" Valt said

"Haha thanks Valt but it's cause I spent alot of time training and looking for better strategies" I said

Just as I was gonna mention to Valt that he should also work on strategies I heard someone calling out to him.

"Hey Valt " someone shouted

I turn around only to see a girl with brown eyes and (h/l) (h/c) with (f/c) sweater and some jeans

'Who is she' I thought

"Oh hey (y/n)" valt said

'(Y/n)?' I thought

I was gonna ask Valt who's his new friend but he beat me to it

"Hey (y/n) this is my best friend shu over there" Valt said as he pointed towards me I looked at her and she looked at me

(Y/n) P.O.V

"Hey Valt" I shouted to him while walking towards him

"Oh hey (y/n)" I heard him say just as I was gonna comment about his losing streak against the other guy I was interrupted by him

"Hey (y/n) this is my best friend Shu over there" I heard him say while pointing at the guy. I decided to look when I notice he was starring at me.

I don't know how long we have been staring at each other, it could have been 5 seconds but for me it felt like hours.

'There's something different about this guy and it's not because of his unique red eyes' I thought as we kept staring at each other.

I don't know why but for some odd reason I wanted to battle against this guy. He had this strong vibe like asking me to challenge him.

'Maybe I will' I thought

"Hey" I said

Shu P.O.V

I don't know what's wrong with me but for some odd reason I can't stop myself from staring at her especially at her eyes.

'Her eyes it's like she's staring right through me trying to figure me out or something' I thought

It felt like hours that we have been staring at each other neither one of us blink. But then I notice that her eyes change it's like she had this spark in them.

'I wonder what got her all determined all of a sudden' I thought

"Hey" I heard her say

"Yea" I said

"I want to challenge you!" I heard her shout

'She wants to battle against me?' I thought

"Hey not to be rude but why do you want to battle against me?" I said

"Isn't it obvious I find you as a worthy opponent" she said

'She's got guts coming out here challenging someone she doesn't know I'll give her that. But as much as I would like to versus her my shoulders are sore for battling against Valt and I dont want her thinking im going easy on her' I thought

"Sure.." I started to say but she cut me off

"Really!" She said

"Yea but next time right now it's getting late and I got important things to do before it gets really dark " I said

"Oh okay then " I heard her say

'Hopefully I didn't upset her ' I thought

(Y/n) P.OV

'I really wanted to battle against him but I guess since his busy I can't really do anything about it. This sucks ' I thought

I saw him starting to walk away when all of a sudden he stops and looks back

"Hey (y/n) you better start preparing for our battle cause I'm not planning to go easy on you." He said while smiling at me and then turns around and leave.

"Yea don't think I'll go easy on you too Shu!" I shouted back at him

'Shu just you wait and see I'll show you what (b/n) and I are capable off '

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