It's Over

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Hello guys here's another chapter I hope you guys would enjoy and I know I took a long time I know I'm sorry I'll keep on trying to write faster. Anyways I added this music for the background but you don't have to listen to it if you don't want to but I should also mention that the one playing it, it isn't me okay. I just loved the way the guy played it and so I decided to share it with you guys. Anyways enjoy the story!! 

After receiving a text message from Chris telling me where to meet up Rose, I quickly headed over to the spot patiently waiting for her to arrive.

"Well, Well I didn't expect you too actually show up? When I received the message from your boss, I thought she was just messing with me but here you are standing right in front of me!" Rose said while smiling at me. "So (y/n), what would you like to talk about hmm?"

"You of all people should know why I'm here," I responded while glaring at her not liking the fact that she's acting all innocent.

"Oh (y/n), I have no idea what you are talking about?" Rose said acting all innocent 

"Don't play dumb with me Rose," 

"But (y/n), I am being serious I don't specifically know what you're talking about you see a lot of things happened since you left so which part are we specifically talking about?" Rose said while smirking 

"All of it, I don't mind you messing with me but you had no right to upset my friends and teammates, this is between you and me. You made that clear the day you broke (b/n)!" I shouted feeling frustrated.

"Well looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today and yeah that's a shame that your bey wasn't able to handle my bey strength and here I thought your bey was strong but I guess I was wrong," Rose says not really caring 

'calm down (y/n) shes just trying to mess with you,' I thought while calming down 

"But I wonder if that's the reason why Free left your team because he knew you were all weak and that the only reason your team kept winning was cause of him. Correct me if I'm wrong but maybe that's why Shu disappeared because he wanted to get stronger since you started to forget about him ever since you joined BC Sol thinking you were better than anyone. How cruel (y/n)," Rose mentions as I flinched 

"Your wrong Rose,"

"Oh yeah then prove it,"

"Oh I am gonna prove it, I'm going to prove it by beating you and ending this," I said with determination in my eyes

"Beat me? Don't make me laugh, you don't even have a bey to challenge me?" Rose said while smirking at me 

"Oh that's right you don't know yet, a lot of things happened when I was gone. You see Rose I learned a few things when I was away for those few weeks," I said as I reached for something in my pocket. 

"Oh yeah, and what would that be?" Rose asked 

"Don't worry I'll tell you while we battle but as for now, I'll answer your first question. Earlier you mention how I was going to battle against you right?" I asked as Rose just nodded her head still not sure what I'm planning.

"Well does this answer your question?" I said as I took out a bey out of my pocket while I smirked back at Rose  

"So you finally decided to get yourself a new bey and replace poor old (b/n)?" Rose asked 

I Want To Be Strong Just Like You No Wait To Be Stronger (Free X Reader X Shu )Where stories live. Discover now