What is this feeling?!

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(Y/n) P.O.V

I tried falling a sleep but I couldn't I just couldn't I was so excited about joining a team that I had totally forgotten that I'm still not myself. I still can't do a perfect launch without having my hands shake once in awhile. I need to find away to pull myself together I don't want people thinking I'm just a scared weakling. I decided to get of my bed and head towards the training room. Luckily everyone is a sleep, I wouldn't want people watching me train. I quickly and quietly made my way to the training room. I got my bey out and got on my launching position and just when I was about to launch my hand shaked a little which caused me to make a miss launch.
'Dam why can't I pull myself together why am I still afraid at this rate i wont be able to get stronger." I thought as I just stared at my hands that were trembling a little. I was so focus on my shaking hands that I didn't even notice that someone was making there way towards me.
"Hey" I heard someone say as I quickly turn around to see who it is.
"Free?!" I say all shocked
"What are you doing here?" I say.
"I could ask you the samething." He said.
"Its no big deal I was just having trouble falling a sleep so I decided to do some quick training." I said as I was getting ready to leave.
"Your hiding something." I heard him say.
"What, no I'm not."
"Yes you are (y/n)." He said
"Look this doesn't concern you okay." I say as I headed towards the exit but just when I was so close I felt him grab my wrist.
"Hey free let go!" I said but he didn't he just started to drag me.
"Free let me go!" I said but he didn't responded as he started to drag me towards the forest.
"Free !!" I shouted but he still wouldn't respond as he still continue to drag me.
"We're here." I heard him say as I looked up to see that there was a bey stadium in the middle of the forest.
"You drag me all the way here just so we can battle?" I said as I looked at him.
"No I took you over here so you can improve your launching and I know you wouldn't want people to see you so I drag you over here." I heard him say.
"Thanks but no thanks." I said as I began to walk away.
"Look ik your afraid." He said as I stopped walking.
"How did you know?" I asked as I turned to look at him.
"Your hands I saw when you were trying to do a launch they started to shake and I can still see them trembling a little." He said.
"I..I don't know how to make them stop ever since my last battle with some guy I've been feeling nervous about beyblading." I said as I look at my hands.
"It's okay you just need to get your confidence back." He said as he held my hand. As I looked up to him and our eyes meet I didn't realize this before but he had dark brown eyes if it weren't for the moon shining on us I would have thought they were black. I couldn't stop myself from staring into his eyes they were beautiful especially since it shine with the moonlight. They had this confident look on them, I guess thats why his so strong cause his confident in himself. I don't know why but having him gaze at me made my stomach feel weird. I couldn't speak I tried to say something but no words came out.
"Hey you okay?" I heard him say
"I.. I'm.. fine." I manage to say.
"Alright then well let's start heading back." I heard him say as he started to yawn.
"Yea let's go."
We both started to walk back neither one of saying a word we were both just admiring how beautiful the forest look at night with the moon shining bright tonight. Once we arrive we went our separate ways to our bedrooms. Once I arrive to my dorm I just through myself in bed I tried falling a sleep but I couldn't I kept thinking about free.
'Why did he wanted to help me? Why was my heart beating fast when he was holding my hand? Why am I even thinking about him I don't know him?
Just thinking about him is making me feel weird. What is this feeling? Free what did you do to me?

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