That's What Friends Are For

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(A/n So here's another chapter I also added a song but you don't have to listen to it. It's Bruno Mars, count on me but the instrumental version, so enjoy!)

It was already morning and (y/n) was still sound a sleep until Valt decided to wake her up.
"(Y/n)!! Wake up." He said as he jumped on top of her causing her to wake up.
"Ugh Valt why you do that!" (Y/n) said as she pushed Valt off her bed.
"Ow (y/n) you didn't have to push me but anyways hurry up and get ready so we can go eat breakfast the food here is pretty delicious!" Valt said while getting up.
"Alright alright let me change wait for me outside my dorm." (Y/n) said as Valt headed towards the door to wait outside.
'I swear how does he even have energy this early in the morning?' (Y/n) thought.

After (y/n) finished changing, she and Valt headed towards the dinning hall to get some breakfast.
"Hey (y/n) let's have a quick battle once we finish eating I want to show you how strong I've gotten since we last battle and Valtryek been wanting to battle you since you arrive yesterday." Valt said as he showed (y/n) Valtryek.
"Hey Valt how come Valtryek looks so different?" (Y/n) asked as she looked more closely at Valtryek.
"Oh that's because Valtryek evolve!" Valt said all happy.
"Evolve? You mean a bey can evolve?" (Y/n) asked
"Yeah why hasn't (b/n) evolved?" Valt asked.
"No it hasn't." (Y/n) said as she took out (b/n) and handed it over to Valt so he can see for himself.
"Oh your right (b/n) hasn't evolve I wonder why maybe you just need to keep training." Valt said handing (b/n) back to (y/n).
"Yea I guess your right. Hey you finished so we can get some early training." (Y/n) said.
"Yea come on let's go I'm so excited for some training." Valt said all happily.

Valt and (y/n) quickly put there dishes away and made there way to the training room. Once they arrive, their was only one person there.
"Hey Honcho you don't mind if we join you." Valt said as he waved at his friend.
'Honcho? Who's that?' (Y/n) thought as she looked at the guy with blond hair.
"Hey Valt and nah I don't mind and who's your friend over there?" Honcho said as he pointed towards (y/n).
"Huh oh that's (y/n) she's a friend. Hey (y/n) I want you to meet my friend Honcho." Valt said as (y/n) made her way to them.
"Hey." (Y/n) said.
"Hey there (y/n) so you want to train together I could really use some company it gets lonely training by myself." Honcho said while smiling at (y/n).
"Sure I don't mind." (Y/n) said.

As the three of them take turn battling against each other, they didn't notice that two certain people were looking at them from a distance.
"So free what do you think, you think (y/n) was worth putting on the team." Chris said.
"Yup she looks pretty strong." Free said while yawning.
"Yeah I was pretty worried when her grandmother called me telling me about what happened to her when she lost her battle against Lui. But it seems she's making a recovery it doesn't surprise me though after all she's the granddaughter of a legendary bladder." Chris said.
"Who's her grandfather?" Free asked.
"That's for you to find out." Chris said as she continue to look at three bladders.

"Man that was some good training." Valt said as he lay down on the ground.
"Yeah and hey (y/n) I notice that some of your launch were off how come." Honcho asked while looking at (y/n)
"Well... it's cause I didn't really get any sleep last night and I'm still tired." (Y/n) said.
"Oh okay makes sense." Honcho said.
"Yeah well I better go I need to finish doing somethings."(y/n) said as she left.
"Did I say something wrong?" Honcho said while looking at Valt.
"No you didn't she's just having a hard time you know she battle against Lui." Valt said.
"No way she did!?"
"Yea and she lost but that's not the thing  while she was battling him, he send her bey flying towards her face but it burst seconds before it could do any damage."
"That guy always trying to hurt others."
"Yea but even if it didn't do any physical damage it must have left her emotional damage. I know cause after Lui tried doing the same with me, I was not myself for awhile it took me awhile to recover."
"Yea we should probably give her some space then."

The next day Honcho and Valt decided to get see (y/n) if she wanted to go eat breakfast together. But when they arrive to her dorm no one answer and when they open the door she wasn't there.
"Where do you think she could be?" Honcho asked
"She might have gone to train." Valt said.
As they both walked around looking for (y/n). They check the training room she wasn't there.
"Maybe she went to go train in the forest you know there's a bey stadium over there." Valt said
"Lets Go." Honcho said as they both quickly ran to the forest.
Once they arrive they did found (y/n). She ways laying in the ground all sweaty from training too long. They quickly approached her.
"Hey (y/n) you okay?" Honcho said as he held out his hand for (y/n) to take.
"Yea I just over did it." (Y/n) said as she accepts Honcho hand to get up.
"Here (y/n) we brought you some sandwiches and a bottle of water for you." Valt said
"Wow thanks you guys but you didn't have too."
"Of course we do isn't that what friends are for we help each other out." Honcho said.
"Thank you."
"Yea (y/n) instead of training alone let us help you train that way we all get to grow stronger and have some fun at the same time." Valt said.
'Fun? That's right I've been so distracted that I have forgotten that beyblade is all about having fun with friends and growing stronger together!' (Y/n) thought.
"Yea your right Valt thanks for reminding me." (Y/n) said as she smiled finally giving a real smile.

A couple of feet away Free was watching the whole thing.
'Looks like you finally got your confidence back.' He thought as he smiled while looking at (y/n).

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