I'm sorry

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After the battle with Team Top Wand rumors were spreading around BC Sol that (y/n) was dating Free although (y/n) herself has no clue about the rumor. Meanwhile Valt and Hancho were at the dinning hall having breakfast everything was normal until (y/n) walked in and everyone stared at her while whispering to one another.

"Hey Hancho haven't you notice that everytime (y/n) walks in everyone starts to whisper to each other." Said Valt
"Yeah your right I wonder what they talk about?" Said Hancho.
"Hey guys." Said (y/n)
"Hey (y/n)" both Valt and Hancho said.
"Hey (y/n) what's up with everyone whispering with each other everytime you walk in?" Asked Valt.
"Yeah and how come we don't know about it?" Asked Hancho.
"Well to be honest idk what there talking about and all ik it's about me since it's pretty obvious but I don't care they're probably jealous that I'm pretty strong." Said (y/n) as she starts to eat her breakfast.
"Yeah I guess your right (y/n) anyways hey you wanna go train." Said Valt
"Sure why not it's better than dealing with these gossip so let's go." Said (y/n).

The three of them left the dinning hall and were walking in the hallway when they spotted Chris along the way.
"Hey Guys are you three planning to do some training." Said Chris
"Yeah." They said
"That's great good luck oh and (y/n) say hi to Free for me." Said Chris as she chuckles and walks away.
"Uh do you guys know what was that all about?" Asked (y/n).
"Not a clue." Both Valt and Hancho said

Meanwhile with Shu
'I can't lose (y/n) to that Free guy after practice I'll go find her' thought Shu as he was training for his next battle.
"Hey Shu hurry up we're getting ready to leave." Said one of his team member.
"Alright." Said Shu
'Wait for me (y/n)' thought Shu.

(Back with (y/n) )

"Aww man I lost again." Said Hancho
"Hey Hancho I think it's time for you to come up with some new moves cause to be honest the only reason you keep losing is cause you keep using the same move over and over." Said (y/n)
"Yeah I guess your right." Said Hancho
"Don't be upset dude (y/n) was just giving you some advice to be stronger isn't that right (y/n)." Said Valt.
"Yeah don't take it personally Hancho I just want you getting stronger plus as your team mate it's our job to make sure no one gets left out." Said (y/n) as Hancho blushes a little.
"Yeah she's right hey (y/n) you should totally be the team captain you got the skills to be a leader." Said Valt
"Thanks but we already have a team captain it's Free speaking of him where is he isn't he suppose to be here training with us?" Asked (y/n)

(With Free)

Free was walking around bored when he spotted someone at the entrance. He made his way towards the person but when he got closer he saw that is was Shu.
'What is he doing here' thought Free but it was like Shu had read his mind
"I'm here to see (y/n)." Said Shu
"I'm sorry but you can't " said Free in a bored time.
"And why not it's her choice if she wants to see me or not, not you." Said Shu
"you can't see her because this place is private nobody can just walk in here without permission." Said free
"I came here last time without a problem." Said Shu
"Yeah that's cause Chris let you"
"Then I'll speak with her
"Sorry she's busy
"I'll tell her later I'll just go see (y/n)"
"Sorry but I can't let you."
"What's your problem (y/n) and I are friends I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind me coming over."
"Sorry but only strong bladers are allowed here." Said Free as he yawned
"I'm strong!"
"Says who I'm the world best blader" free said as he smirks at Shu.
"So and (y/n) thinks I'm pretty strong" shu responds back while smirking back at free.
"Then I'll take that as a yes that she does think I'm stronger than you." Shu said
"Well why don't we see who's actually stronger." Said free
"Follow me"

Back with y/n

"Alright I think that's enough training for one day don't you guys think so." Said (y/n)
"Aww man I was having fun I don't want it to end" said Valt
"Same here" said Hancho
"Sorry guys but we have been training the whole day." Said (y/n)
"Yeah I guess your right hey let's go get something to eat I'm starving." Said Hancho
"That's a great idea Hancho I'm hungry too let's go." Said Valt

The three of them decided to head towards the dinning hall to get something to eat but on their way there it started to get windy.
"Wow it got windy all of a sudden." Valt said
"Yeah must be the cold season coming." Hancho said.
"Yeah" (y/n) said as she looked at the sky
'But why do I have this feeling that something bad is gonna happen." (Y/N) thought.

With Shu and Free

"This can't be happening.. I .. lost !" Said Shu as his legs grew weak and fell to the ground.
"But how"
"You shouldn't be that surprised after all I am the strongest blader and I take my training really serious I don't let the fame get to me." Free said
"What are you trying to say!"
"That unlike you I don't go training just so I can make myself known as the strongest blader. I train so that I can be strong and beat strong opponents getting even stronger everytime. You on the other hand just want people to recognize you as a strong blader and making yourself believe that no one can beat you but in reality there's someone out there that's even stronger than you." Free said
"Oh by the way stay away from (y/n) I already proved your not worthy enough for her by beating you." Free said as he started to walk away.
"I can't believe I lost" Shu said
'I'm sorry (y/n) I wasn't strong enough maybe his right I'm not worthy enough to be by your side.' Shu thought as he looked down at the ground.

I Want To Be Strong Just Like You No Wait To Be Stronger (Free X Reader X Shu )Where stories live. Discover now