Important news

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Hello guys, how you've been? I know its been a really long time since I last updated but honestly back then I was going through a rough time that I could no longer continue to write. I had lost all motivation to continue with this story, if I'm being honest I thought about never finishing this story. I had no more ideas on how I wanted to end the last chapter back then I would have bunch of ideas pop inside my brain but then one day it just stopped. I decided to take a break and hoped to get inspire again but I didn't eventually days lead to week and weeks lead to months to years. By that point I had forgotten about this story as I continued with my life. Recently, I was cleaning my closet from my room that I discovered my old box that kept some of my old journals so I decided to read some since I had nothing else to do. This is when I found my old writing journal in there it had a lot of ideas to some of my stories even new stories that I was planning to write but never did. As I continued to read, I started to feel something, something that I had never felt for a long time. I felt this spark this spark of inspiration to continue writing and next thing you know bam I get hit with a bunch of ideas. I've never felt this happy, I actually started to tear up because all this time I felt like something was missing in my life but never knew what but now I have finally found it. You see I was dealing with depression for awhile its not bad like before its just from time to time it comes and goes. I am doing better now I just wished I could have seen the signs earlier and asked for helped instead of dealing with it by myself. Also, I want to apologize for having you guys wait so long and I want to thank all you who read, liked, and waited for this story and I would like to welcome the new readers who found this story. I hope you guys liked it so far, but as for now I am going to keep my promise to you guys, I am going to finish this story and not abandon it like I had promised earlier in one of the chapters. Now will you guys please excuse me, I got some work to do no literally I need to go back and rewatch the series. I'll be seeing you guys soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2021 ⏰

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