The Worlds Best Bladder

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(A/N im sorry for making you guys wait for free to appear but I just wanted to make a dramatic scene for the beginning and finally the moment you guys have been waiting for, free is in this chapter!!)

"So what's your choice (y/n)"
"I want to be strong I want to overcome my fear Grandma"
"I had a feeling you wouldn't give up that easily so that why I made a call before you guys came over"
"What do you mean grandma?"
"Lets just say I have a friend who's granddaughter owns a bey team and I gave her a call recommending you to join them."
"Really when can we meet them?"
"More like you are gonna meet them tomorrow. It's in Spain and I got you a plane ticket so you can leave tomorrow morning."
"Really thank you so much Grandma" I said as I gave her a big hug.

The next morning I was at the airport saying my goodbyes to my family. I finally went inside the plane I was lucky enough to get a seat next to the window. I was so busy looking out the window that I didn't realize I had fallen asleep. When I woke up i noticed that we have finally arrived. I quickly got out the plane and started to look for the place that my grandma told me too go. I was lucky enough that there was some nice people who helped me out others didn't help when I asked them. Finally after walking around for awhile I was able to find the place and it was pretty huge. I walked towards the entrance where there was some security guards at, I gave them the letter that my grandma told me to give them and they let me pass. I was surprised to see that the place had it's own forest I was so distracted looking around that I didnt realize that there was someone laying down on the ground until I tripped and fell.
'Ow! That really hurt next time I should watch where I'm going. What did I trip on?" I thought as I looked behind me to see someone who had yellow hair and a little red on it. He was wearing some brown pants and a yellow muscle shirt. He looked like he was sleeping I just kept staring at him I was gonna wake him up until..

"You should watch where your going." I heard him say.
"Oh sorry I was just so distracted viewing this beautiful forest that I didn't see you there." I said
"So I'm guessing your the new member." I heard him say as he started to get up.
"Yea I just arrived here." I said as he offered his hand which I gladly took and got off the ground.
"(Y/n)!" I heard someone shout my name as I looked behind me to see a girl with dark pink hair and blue eyes making her way towards me.
"I'm sorry that I'm late I had an emergency meeting so I couldn't greet you in the entrance." I heard her say.
"Its fine I was just busy admiring your forest that I bump into this guy." I said as I turn around to point at him but when I did he wasn't there anymore.
'Where did he go ? I didn't even hear him leave?!' I thought.
"Umm who are you talking about (y/n)?" I heard her say.
"Nobody I guess" I said.
"Oh by the way my name is Christina you can just call me Chris. Oh and don't worry I know your (y/n) already your grandma gave me a call yesterday, so come on I'll introduce you to the place." I heard her say.
"Wait you own this place?!"
"Haha why yes I do (y/n) now let's get going shall we." I heard her say as we started to leave.

After walking around the place and giving me a quick tour. She told me that she would introduce me to the rest of the group. She lead me to their training place and when we entered I saw alot of people training.

"Wow this place is pretty big." I said
"Haha yea it is" she said as she walked forward to make an announcement.

"Hello everyone!! I want you guys to meet (y/n) she's a new member to the BC Sol. So I expect you guys to be nice to her." I heard her say as everyone started to look at me. I started to feel nervous since I don't like it when people stare at me.

"(Y/n) is that you!" I heard someone shout as I turn to look who it was and to my surprise it was Valt.
"Valt! What are you doing here?" I said somewhat shocked that my friend was here in the same team as me.
"I should ask you the samething, I told you I was going to some team in Spain remember" I heard him say.
"Oh yea you did but I would have never imagine us being on the same team" I said. I was gonna ask him how he's been but Christina interrupted us.

"Alright everyone gather around because today we are going to have a quick battle to see how much you guys have improve." I heard her say as the rest of the team started to gather around.
"Has anyone seen Free around" I heard her say.
"Don't tell me his running late again." She said.
"Hey Valt who's free?" I asked
"Oh that's right you haven't met the team captain yet." I heard him say. Just when he was gonna tell me who this free guy is I heard Chris lecturing someone and I turn around to see who it was.
"Free your late you can't always keep coming to training all late your captain of the team you need to improve with your teammates together." I heard her say to that guy I saw at the forest. And the only response she got back from that guy was a yawn.

'That's our captain?' I thought
"Hey Valt how come that Free guy is our captain he looks pretty lazy too me." I asked
"Yea he looks pretty lazy but let that fool you his the strongest person on the team." I heard Valt say.
"That guy over there is the strongest person on the team your joking right?"
"Nope and he isn't just the strongest person on the team he is also the world's number one bladder." Valt said
'No way can that guy be the number one bladder in the world' I thought as I just stared at him and I guess he notice I was staring at him cause he looked back at me. We made eye contact neither one of us looking away until I heard Chris call out to him.
"Hey (y/n) you okay cause you spaced out while I was calling you" I heard Valt say.
"Yea I'm fine, so you say this free guy is strong right."
"Yup I lost to him during a battle he got this bey where it drains your attack
"Really that's pretty interesting" I say
'Free your an interesting person' I thought.

I Want To Be Strong Just Like You No Wait To Be Stronger (Free X Reader X Shu )Where stories live. Discover now