The Snake Pit

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(Y/n) P.O.V

We entered the temple only for it to be really dark we couldn't really see until someone turned on the lights which was really bright that I needed a couple of seconds to adjust my surroundings. I saw someone in front of us but I didn't know who it was since they were also wearing a mask.

"Who are you?!" I asked
"Me well my name is Ashtem and you are tresspassing my property." I heard him say.
"I don't care who you are where is Shu?!" Valt asked
"Now now what makes you think I would just tell you. If it's answers that your looking for then you gotta earn it." He said
"What about that red eyes guy?" Daigo asked.
"Yeah where is he I want a rematch against him." Valt said
"Sorry but in order to face him you need to pass a test." He said while smirking.
"What test?" We all asked
"A test to see if your strong enough to versus him." He said while still smirking
"I don't care what this test is I'll beat it no matter what!" Valt shouted
"Wait hold up Valt we don't know what this test is." I told him
"Well it looks like someone is afraid. I don't blame you little brats like you aren't capable of being strong." I heard him say.
"Who are you calling a brat and I'm not afraid I'm just proceeding with caution!" I yelled pretty frustrated that he was calling me weak.
"Oh is that so, so why dont you prove it" I heard him say
"Maybe I will by beating this test of your so easily." I said
"Is that so?" He said while he snaps his finger and then out of nowhere the floor that we were standing on open and we fell in as we screamed.
"Be careful what you wish for." Was the last thing I heard him say.

"(Y/n)!" I heard someone call out of my name as I slowly start to wake up.
"What happened?" I asked all confused.
"Oh good your awake." I heard Valt say
"We're not sure ourselves we all just woke up and when we did we ended up here." I heard Daigo say as I looked around.
"It sort of looks like a small jungle." I heard Wakiya say
"Yeah but how did we end up in a jungle the last thing I remember was falling." I heard Hancho say
"Well it doesn't matter let's just see if we can find our way out of here." I said while getting up.

I don't know how long has it been but it feels like I've been here forever. But we just continued to walk until I spotted something in the distance as I ran towards it.
"Hey (y/n) where are you going?" I heard the rest say
"I see something ahead." I said as they started to run to catch up with me. Finally when I reached it all I saw was that it was a bey stadium.
"What's a bey stadium doing out here?" I asked all confused.
"I'm not sure." Daigo asked

Then all of a sudden we heard someone talking.
"I see you finally found the bey stadium it took you guys long enough." We all heard as we looked around but we couldn't find them.
"Its no use you can't see us but we can see you."
"What do you mean?" Valt asked
"It means there watching us from somewhere." Daigo said
"So what do we do?" Hancho said
"We have no choice but to listen." I said
"Now let's get this started its pretty simple all you have to do is beat your opponent and then you guys can move on. But if you lose you get terminated." The voice said

"So where's our opponent?" Wakiya said all bored
"Right over here." We heard someone say as we looked over to see another guy with a mask on.
"What's with all the mask I get your trying to cover your identity but it's getting pretty boring." I said all bored
"The name is yellow eyes and I'll be your opponent and this here is my bey, shadow roktavor." We heard him say as we were all shocked to see that he had the same bey as Hancho.
"No way how is this possible." I said all shocked.
"Are we gonna battle or what?!" Yellow eyes said.
"Sure let's do this." Hancho said
"Good luck Hancho." We all said

Just before the battle started the voice again decided to be referee and then the battle began. Hancho looked pretty worried while his opponent looked all calmed and then I heard a bey burst and when I looked to see it was Hancho bey that had burst. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse the floor underneath him open and I saw that he was falling. We all ran quickly to grab him and we all pulled him up.

"That was a close call." I said
"Yeah thanks you guys." Hancho said still recovering from what just happened.
"Is this allowed?" I heard yellow eyes say all confused.
Then that voice again answered saying it was fine and we were allowed move on.

After that it was Daigo turn battle and his opponent was named black eye. He tried to intimidate Daigo by saying that he could predict the future and see that Daigo has no chance of winning but in the end Daigo won. Next it was Valt turn and he battle some guy named Azure eye. But like always Valt won now we're on our way to the next place.

Somewhere else

"Sir they've beaten almost all of our members I think I should fight them and prevent them from getting any closer."
"No no it's fine I don't mind after all I still don't believe they have a chance at beating red eyes so easily isn't that right red eyes."
"Plus I have someone else to send in with red eyes."
"May I ask who sir."
"Just you wait and I see. I think this person would be great against the great (y/n)."
'I want to see just how strong you truly are (y/n) Hagane.'

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