Can I trust him?

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Valt P.O.V
'Man how am I gonna tell the rest of the group about this news I wonder how will they take it' I thought

"Maybe I should just go look for them" I said
(Too busy in his thoughts that he tripped and fell)

"Ow that hurt I wonder what I tripped on" I said looking to see a girl sleeping underneath the tree she had (h/l)(h/c) she was wearing a (f/c) shirt with (sf/c) jacket.
'When did she get here' I thought

"Next time you should watch where you're going" she said

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to ruin your sleep I was just walking around looking for my friends that I didn't see you" I said

"Hmm" she said

'?? Maybe I should just leave it seems she's mad since I ruin her nap time' I thought just as I was about to leave something shiny caught my eye.

'What's that? is that a.. Yeah that's a beyblade she has one?' I thought I start to reach for the beyblade but just as I was about to touch it a hand slaps my hand away

"Ow" I mumble

"You know you really shouldn't touch someone's stuff without their permission" she said

"Especially since your a stranger you know if I were someone else I would have taught you were trying to steal my bey" she said

"WAIT! I wasn't trying to steal.."
"Yeah I know you weren't trying to steal it so calm down okay" she said

'How did she know' I thought

"If your wondering how I know it's cause of your eyes they say everything even if you don't" she said

"What?" Just as I was about to say something else my eyes meet her brown eyes. The look on her eyes caught my attention it had that look of confidence and determination in them.
'I wonder what's her name I've never seen her before maybe I should ask her  cause this staring contest is kinda awkward for me' I thought

(Y/n) P.O.V
'This guy his eyes are telling the truth I only see curious and innocence in them but there's more I also see fear. Is he afraid of me? No must be when he said he was looking for his friends but his eyes their so brown like mines reminds me of ..' I thought until I was interrupted 
"Huh? What you said?" I said
"I said what's your name?" He said
"Don't you think it's rather rude for you to ask my name when you haven't even mentioned yours?" I said
"Oh right well my name is Valt Aoi so what's yours?" He said
"Right my name is .." 'wait I shouldn't tell him my whole name he would obviously want to be my friend if I told him my full name maybe I'll just tell him my first name instead yea play it safe' I thought

"So what's your name?" He said
"Its (y/n)" I said
"Well (y/n) what are you doing here all by yourself " he said
"Well Valt I always hang around here since I like to have some peace." I said
"Really you should come and hang out with my friends and I .. I mean if you ever feel lonely that is." He said
"I appreciate the offer Valt maybe next time right now I just want to be alone." I said

"Oh okay well it was nice meeting you (y/n) I guess I'll see you around then bye." He said and he runs off

'Well I guess he wasn't that bad. His pretty alright and I have a feeling this isn't the last time I'm gonna see him' I thought
I reach for my pocket and take out my partner. "So what do you think of him (B/n)." I said and at that moment (b/n) shines.
"Your right (B/N) I feel like I can trust him too." I said
'You know maybe he was right back then when he told me to open up more but back then I was a stubborn child after all' I thought

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