Despair & Redemption

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(A/N) Hi guys I know I haven't been updating sorry about that you see I was planning to finish all the chapters and upload them all at the same time so when you read the story it would be completed but it's taking longer than it should so I decided just to upload the ones that I have completed and because I had you guys wait for so long I decided to make each chapter longer than usual I think that's fair. Also, there are a few chapters left until the story is done the last chapters might take a while too since I'm writing a full version of Shu/Free ending not like a quick short ending just letting you guys know anyways, back to the story. Enjoy!!

"Hello, red eyes its been a while since I last saw you, how you been?"


"Aww come on don't be like that after I came all the way back just to see you"


" Aww, your mean could it be that you're mad at me because of what I did too (y/n)? You should have seen the look on her face when I crushed her bey into pieces it was priceless."

"what do you want rose?"

"nothing cant I just pass by and say hello to my most favorite person." Rose said as she placed one of her hand on his cheek

"stop playing around rose." red eyes said as he removed her hand off of him

"my when did you start to neglect me hmm?" 

"I'm not in the mood right now." as red eyes started to walk away but before he left rose quickly hugged him from behind which caused him to stop.

"Don't be mad at me red eyes I was just trying to teach that brat a lesson for hurting you after all now she knows the pain of losing something precious to her. Or have you forgotten the pain she and everyone else has caused you? After all, I was the one who saved you from your misery. If it wasn't for me you wouldn't be as strong as you are now." Rose said as she whispered the last part in his ear. 

Red eyes/Shu Flashback

That's right everything was going well until I lost to him,

"This can't be happening.. I .. lost !" Said Shu as his legs grew weak and fell to the ground 

"You shouldn't be that surprised after all I am the strongest blader and I take my training really serious I don't let the fame get to me," Free said while looking down at Shu. "Oh, by the way, stay away from (y/n) I already proved you are not worthy enough for her by beating you," Free said as he started to walk away.

At first, I thought he was just mocking me because he beat me that one time but I thought if I were to keep training, I would be able to beat him and prove him wrong, but

"Alright, guys today's match is a friendly competition between BC Sol and the Raging Bulls ." Chris said while the crowd cheered 

" our first match is between Valt and one of the members of the other team!"

3 2 1 Go Shoot!

"and the winner is Valt with a ring out finish so far it's 1-0. Our next match is between the teams strongest players with Free representing for BC Sol and Shu representing the raging bulls can free win it for the team or can shu turn things around." the announcer said  

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!

"wow and there you have it guys not even 5 seconds and free manage to end the round quickly by a burst finish Kurenai Shu didn't stand a chance which makes BC Sol the winners! 

I Want To Be Strong Just Like You No Wait To Be Stronger (Free X Reader X Shu )Where stories live. Discover now