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Hey guys I know its been a couple of weeks since I updated sorry about that I've been trying to find a great time to post them like I have them written down in a journal and I go through them a couple of times to see if I'm missing anything or want to add anything else or sometimes I forget to post them yeah sorry my bad. But anyways here's the next chapter so enjoy!! Oh yeah and the title pretty much gives it away so I hope it's not too scary well I don't think it is but anyways enjoy 🤗

It's around midnight and everyone from BC Sol is asleep peacefully except a certain someone and that happens to be (y/n). (Y/n) keeps tossing and turning in her sleep.

(Y/n) Dream

(Y/n) was walking in a dark hallway which doesn't seem to end. 'Where am i?' As she continues to walk until she sees something on the other end of the hall and starts running towards it. 'It's a door! finally I can get out of here' as she finally reached the door and turns the knob to open it only to be blinded by a bright light. As the lights starts to fade (y/n) slowly opens her eyes only to see that it was an empty room with a table with something on top of it. (Y/n) walks towards the table just to see that its (b/n). She picks it up and right when she does she hears someone calling her name.
"(Y/n) (y/n)!!
'Whos calling Me?' (Y/n) thought as the walls from the room starts to break down. Now (y/n) was standing outside in a forest in the dark. 'How did I get here?' As she starts to walk in the dark forest but stops when she heard someone laughing. 'Looks like I'm not alone, I have to proceed with caution' (y/n) kept walking and as she continues to walk she starts to hear the laughter more louder. 'Guess I'm getting closer to whoever this person is' and a couple of feet in front of her was someone sitting on the ground with their head on there knees. 'Who could that be?' "Hey are you alright?" (Y/n) asked as she stared at the person but then she hears them mumble something. "Um sorry but can you speak a little bit louder" (y/n) said. As the person looks up at her and shouts "I said it's your fault!!" To (y/n) surprise the person that staring right in front of her was Shu.
"Shu!" (Y/n) said all shocked as she tries to help him stand up. "Leave me alone it's all your fault!" Shu said as he slaps her hands away while looking down on the ground. "Shu what's going on?!" (Y/n) asked as she stared at her friend all worried. "" he mumbles "Shu look at me?" (Y/n) asked while shu lifted his head to look at her only for (y/n) to see tears running down his face while saying "You made me like this!" as he continues to cry. "Shu I.." (y/n) was only able to say as she was interrupted by him laughing. "I can't believe this you still have the nerve to help me even so your the cause of why I'm like this." Shu said as he continues to laugh and cry at the same time. "But I guess it's cause you never felt betrayed before but don't worry I'll fix that." As he snaps his finger and right in his hand was (b/n). " What are you doing with (b/n) Shu." "Its such a pretty bey I wonder what would happened if something bad happened to it." "Shu give me (b/n) back." "No! You hurt me (y/n) now I'm gonna return the favor." Shu said as he started to squish (b/n) with his arm and it cracked causing (b/n) to fall into pieces. "(B/n)!!" (Y/n) said as she ran to pick up the pieces. "Why!? Shu." "You broke something that's apart of me that can't be fixed now I broke something that's also apart of you that can't be fixed either." As he just stared at her with a crazy smile. "Now tell me (y/n) it doesn't feel great being betrayed by someone close too you right." "How could you! Your not Shu the Shu I know would never do something like that!" "Your right the old Shu would never do something like this but I'm not that Shu. The Shu you once knew is gone." As he started to laugh. "No! Your lying!!" "I'm not lying (y/n) but I should thank you your the reason why his gone. Just remember IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!"

"Noo!" (Y/n) said as she wakes up all sweaty.
"It was just a dream wait more like a nightmare but it felt so real." (Y/n) said as she got up to open her window to get some fresh air.
"What time is it" she whispers to herself as she looks at the time only to see that it's 4 in the morning. 'I guess there's no point of trying to go back to sleep even if I could I wouldn't want too I don't want to have another nightmare having one Is enough' (y/n) thought as she reached for her bey that's placed on her shelf that's right beside her bed.
"I'm glad that your okay (b/n) I don't know what I would do if that actually did happened too you. We've been through many things together and I don't think I would be ready to let you go." (Y/n) said as she stared at her bey as (b/n) shined as if it were telling her that everything would be okay.
'But still after that nightmare I wonder how shu doing it's been a while since we last spoke to each other. I hope your alright shu because if my nightmare does come true I don't think I would be able to forgive myself. I'll probably go tell Valt tomorrow to go see Shu.' (Y/n) thought as she continue to look outside as the sky was starting to become lighter meaning it was just moments away before sunrise.

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