Chapter 6 - Edited ✓

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Harpers POV

My body had frozen the moment my eyes locked onto his piercing blue ones. He looked angry, furious even. Shit, I hope it isn't about the £600 he and the other men left for me last night, I inwardly cringed at the thought of it being a practical joke I'd already given most of it to my nan to put towards the bills so I couldn't exactly take it back. 

After a few intense moments of staring at each other he beckoned me over to where he was casually lent up against the bar, he may have looked calm and collected, but his eyes told me a different story. They were dark and full of raw anger, whether that was due to me, I was yet to find out. 

My heart was pounding in my chest, and I took a deep breath before composing myself the best I could and made my way over to where Angelo was standing. I was shocked that I was even able to put one foot in front of the other as my whole body felt like jelly. We continued what I deemed as the world's most intense staring contest until I reached his side.

"Harper" Angelo murmured as he continued to look at me with a hooded gaze.

"M-Mr Deluca, how can I help you" I stammer, my nerves getting the better of me.

"I'd like a drink, top shelf whisky to be precise, just the one bottle should be fine. Bring it over along with two glasses and some ice while I go and get us a booth. We have much to discuss" with one last glance Angelo turned his back on me and walked towards the direction of the empty booths on the other side of the room.

Walking over to where the expensive liquor was kept; I grabbed a bottle of Dalmore whisky, along with two glasses and a small tub of ice. Making my way over to the booth that Angelo had found, placing everything on the table, I looked up at him and waited for him to begin. Which I presumed would be in the next few moments, he didn't strike me as the type of man to keep quiet for very long when something was bothering him.

"So, Harper" Angelo begins while pouring some whisky for himself and then me.

"Tell me about yourself" his voice is vastly different from the husky tone he had used with me earlier, the look he's giving me indicated that Angelo was serious about what he just said, but I couldn't help giggle at the question. 

I took a sip of my drink before I answered, taking some time to compose myself. "I didn't realise that you called me away from the platform because you wanted to play twenty one questions Mr Deluca" I left out the part where I thought he was going to skin me alive. My sharp reply caused a chuckle to escape from his lips, my god it was one of the most beautiful sounds I'd ever heard.

"What would you like to know, there's not much to tell I live a normal boring life Mr Deluca," I say as I glance up at him through my lashes.

"Please call me Angelo, and I highly doubt that you have a boring life Harper, you work in one of the most exclusive gentlemen's clubs in the country that's hardly boring or normal, now is it?" The boyish smirk he wears across his face as he talks makes my stomach perform a summersault, the cocky bastard knows he's gorgeous, and I wonder how many times Angelo had used that smirk on other girls like me to get what he wants.

"The only reason I'm here Angelo is that I found myself in circumstances that required me to get a job. It isn't ideal, but this job keeps me going" I don't know why I snapped at him, it was probably the underlying fear that he thought I was just some girl looking to wind up in bed with some old high roller and get him to pay for my every want.

His response shocks me slightly causing me to feel guilty for almost biting his head off.

"I understand completely, we all have circumstances that we have to base important life choices on, I admire you for taking charge of whatever situation you found yourself in" for a small second, I swear I heard a hint of pride in Angelo's voice, but I couldn't be too sure. "So, Harper, when you're not here, what do you?" Angelo takes a long sip of his drink while he waits for my answer.

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