Chapter 27 - Edited ✓

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Harper's POV

It all happened so fast one minute we were stood there with our foreheads touching and the next he was kissing me as his life depended on it. At first, I was too shocked to move, but then this primal urge of finally after all these months of longing took over, and our lips started moving together. My hands snake around his neck, pulling him as close to me as possible. The feeling that rushed through me was euphoric; I'd never felt anything like this before.

When we both eventually pulled away from each other, Angelo's hands remained clinging to my waist, and my arms staid clinging to his shoulders, the office was silent. The only sound that could be heard was the ticking of the clock and our heavy breathing. Our eyes were locked together , I was scared to break the silence , to talk about what exactly just happened. I regretted none of it and by the lust that was evident in Angelo's eyes neither did he.

"Harper" he murmured as he brushed the hair that had fallen slightly over my face.

"Yes?" My words came out breathy, still not fully recovered from having Angelo's lips on my own.

"Are you okay?"

I took a deep breath and exhaled shakily " I am now." I replied quietly, I had no idea what possessed me to utter those words, but I had, and there was no taking them back now. Angelo's grip on my waist tightened, shit he'd heard me.

Angelo began placing a small trail of kisses along my jaw and down my neck , "tell me what was bothering you , it's killing me not knowing" he murmured between kisses. Before I had a change to reply he led me over to the small sofa in the corner of the office , he slowly lowered himself down onto the plush leather and pulled me down towards him so I was sat on his lap. 

I placed my head in the crook of his neck and inhaled the alluring scent of his body wash and aftershave , it was almost enough to make my mouth water. "Please tell me." His voice was still a whisper , our eyes met and I could see the pain in his eyes , the pain I had caused by not telling him how I felt instead I chose to ignore him for over a week.

" If I tell you, can you promise me that you won't interrupt until I'm done. You know I don't tell people how I feel, it's tough for me." I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. " I promise." The way he uttered those words, they were so full of sincerity I immediately started kicking me for keeping this from him for so long. Here goes nothing.

" I think it began when I first met you , when I was still working in opal and I hosted your meeting. The moment I set eyes on you I felt this immense connection with you , that I'd never ever felt with someone before. I pushed it to the back of my mind and put it down to you being so ridiculously attractive but I just couldn't get you out of my head , every time I closed my eyes my mind would drift back to you. Then when you started showing up at work and we started talking for hours on end , just getting to know each other. It really was amazing because for the first time in my life I had a friend. But that's when things started to get difficult , it was all the subtle little things that were going on. The hand holding , the falling asleep cuddled into you and then us almost kissing after that night in the club. Don't get me wrong I didn't hate it , I loved it and that was the problem. No matter how hard I tried to tell myself we were just friends I just couldn't see you like that , these feelings were just eating me up Inside. The day I walked in on Jessica trying to crawl inside her was the day I was going to tell you that I had feelings for you , but seeing her all over you like that I got jealous , even though you weren't mine I felt so fucking jealous. Because next to her I'm nothing , even though she's a raging bitch she's still got it all , next to her I'm just plain old me."

I felt the hot tears start to roll down my face again, Jesus I'd hate to imagine what my makeup's going to look like all of this. "I guess what I'm trying to say is, I think I'm falling in love with you, I know you probably don't feel the same way but -." I was cut off by Angelo's lips crashing into mine again, it wasn't like the first time all the gentleness was gone, and it was replaced by raw need. God, our lips fit together perfectly; the way he kissed me made my whole body shudder. His lips were like a drug to me, and I was already addicted.

The way he ran his hands over my body made all of the nerve endings in my body come alive.

" God I never thought I'd hear you say that." his voice came out as a husky whisper and god was it hot. "I haven't been able to get you out of my mind since that night , you've haunted all of my dreams. God I think I'm obsessed with you , the thought of another man even being this close to you makes me so fucking angry. Even if we didn't know it then , from the moment we set eyes on each other we belonged to each other , now I've got you there's no way in hell am I ever letting you go." His words were sealed with another kiss , a much gentler than the last one.

We stayed wrapped up in each other's arms for god knows how long, both of us too wrapped up in the admission that'd been spoken a while before. At this moment in time I didn't care and I don't believe Angelo did either , because in this moment this beautifully perfect moment I was the happiest I'd ever been.

" Shall we get out of here? We can go back to my place and watch a film; I don't feel like sharing you with the rest of the work place today."

" Defiantly , I don't even know if I could concentrate on work even if I tried."

Angelo chuckled, "go and get your stuff, I'll wait for you in here. I'll call Craig and tell him that we're leaving." Before I could turn around to leave, he placed a small kiss on the corner of my mouth, and I couldn't help but smile. For once in my life, everything was just perfect.

The drive back to Angelo's penthouse was just as all of our drives went , expect this one was different. I was nestled into Angelo's side and our hands were entwined and I couldn't help but plaster a goofy grin on my face , but It didn't matter because when I looked up at the devastatingly handsome man next to me he wore the same grin as me. When the car reached the hotel , Craig let the both of us out and I couldn't help but notice the shadow of a smile on the old man's face and I'd put my life savings on it being the fact that it was because me and Angelo couldn't let go of each other , it was like we were two teenagers in love.

The penthouse was just as I remembered it and the best part was the sun was shining a rarity for the time of year, filling the beautiful room with natural light. " I'll get you something to change into , we'll watch TV on the sofa and I'll bring the duvet in and put the fire on. If you get hungry we can order room service , they have one of the best restaurants in town here." Angelo called back to me as he made his way towards his bedroom.

He emerged from his room a few moments later with the duvet, and I couldn't wait to wrap myself up in it. "There's a jumper on the bed in my room it should be big enough."

" Okay, thanks." I won't be a minute. Thankfully I remembered my way back to his room and found a dark grey jumper led on the bed, I unbuttoned my shirt and slipped It on over my head once it was on I unzipped my skirt and kicked off my heels. Even though I was only dressed in a jumper, I didn't feel self-conscious, I threw my hair up in a messy bun and made my way back into the living room.

I found Angelo on the sofa flicking through the various channels on the TV, I slid in next to him and pulled the duvet up to my chest, relishing in the heat that it provided. Angelo's arm slid around me and pulled me towards him. We spend a few hours watching various films and documentary's; we found out that we generally liked the same TV programs apart from his extreme dislike of anything to do with reality television. At around 4 o'clock we decided to order to service, we decided on a gourmet pizza and breaded mushrooms. It wasn't long until someone brought us our food and it smelt delicious, I tried to offer to pay for the food but considering Angelo had invested a considerable amount of Money into this hotel, he didn't have to pay for any of his meals.

The whole night was perfect , somehow Angelo had convinced me to stay the night and I happily agreed. I couldn't imagine dragging myself away from him not after today. He ended up putting on the devil wears Prada , it was my all-time favorite film. I cuddled into him more and he began tracing little patterns on my arms , I couldn't help but let my eyes drift close as the film began playing. A lot had happened today but I had Angelo and he had me and I couldn't ask for anything more perfect.

Bit of a short chapter but it was an important milestone, ❤️ please vote and comment if you enjoyed it.
I want to say a huge Thank you to everyone that continues to read this book every week! I've almost reached 500 reads, and I couldn't be happier so thank you so so much!

Next chapter will be out by the end of the week, and I'll try to make it a long one with a little more drama ❤️

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