Chapter 37

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6 Month's later

Harper's POV

I sat down in front of my vanity table and started applying the last finishing touches to my makeup , once I was somewhat pleased with how I looked I took the time to reflect on what a strange day I had.

After turning up for work with Angelo as usual and having a completely normal Monday morning things started to get slightly weird. At around mid-day Angelo asked if I wouldn't mind popping down to our favourite deli to get us both some lunch and of course I obliged. However what I wasn't expecting bumping into Jessica queen of the bitch trolls Black , who just so happened to be getting of a bus. As she walked towards me I couldn't help but panic , I hadn't seen the girl since before her father's empire crumbled and I hoped to god she wouldn't notice me , but that's when something really strange happened. As we walked past each other she smiled at me , the spawn of Satan herself who vowed to ruin my life gave me a genuine smile. Maybe I was right , perhaps a dose of reality was all she really needed.

My day had only gotten weirder on returning to work , after eating lunch with Angelo he told me that because we were having a slow day that I should just go home and get some rest before our meal tonight. I didn't argue with the man because who doesn't like being given a half day but seeing as I was his PA/girlfriend I knew that he had 4 of the most important meetings of the year happening this afternoon , not wanting to argue about It I just brushed it off.

It was now currently 6:45 pm , fifteen minutes until Angelo was due to pick me up for dinner. As usual my stomach was full of butterflies , all of the dates I'd been on with Angelo had been magical. There was always a personal element to them and they were always planned and executed to perfection , I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. My phone buzzed and I smiled , a text from Angelo.

To: Harper

From : Angelo

Pack an overnight bag. I thought we'd stay

At the house tonight. Won't be long , see you soon.

We'd been staying at his old home quite a lot recently , it was starting to feel like a second home to me and half my wardrobe was currently residing there. We'd talked about moving in together a few times and we'd decided once the hotel was open and up and running we'd take the jump and move in to the house together. I rushed around as quickly as my heels would allow me and packed a few things I thought I may need for the night. "Harper , Angelo's here." I heard my nan shout a few minutes later.

"Coming." I replied as I grabbed my phone and made my way down the stairs.

"Enjoy your night love , I'll see you soon."

"'see you in the morning. If you need anything just call okay."

"I will dear , now go and have fun. I love you."

"I love you too nan." I called out as I made my way to the limo.

The restaurant was beautiful , it was a small rustic one on the edge of town that I'd been dying to try since it opened a few months ago. "Everything okay with your food love?" Angelo asked. "It's beautiful , we seriously need to come here all the time. However I do think your cooking is slightly more superior." He chuckled at my comment , ever since we began staying in his old house he'd began cooking more , I could tell by watching him how passionate he was about every meal he made and it was a pleasure to sit there and watched as he whipped up culinary masterpieces and it was an even bigger pleasure to be able to taste them.

As we ate I noticed that something was off , we usually talked a lot when we went out for food together. We used it as time to catch up on what the both of us had been doing recently if our schedules had been busy. "Is everything okay? You seem fidgety , did everything in those meetings go to plan?"

"Yes they did , there's just some things I've got to clear up first before it's all finalised. Sorry love , I don't mean to be bad company."

"No I understand , you're stressed out. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"You just being here makes me feel better." I felt my cheeks heat up , after almost a year I still wasn't immune to Angelo Deluca's charm and I don't think I ever will be.

As we pulled up outside the house I stifled a yawn and began walking over to the large wooden door , I couldn't wait to curl up and watch Tv. "This way love , I've got something to show you."

"Will it take long" I whined " I'm super tired."

"No love , it's just something new I've put in the garden I want your opinion of it." As I rounded the corner into the garden I stopped dead in my tracks , the entire patio was covered in delicate little rose petals and candles. "W-what's all of this?" I stammered

"From the moment I set eyes on you , there was something about you that captivated me. You drew me in and embedded yourself into my mind and drove me damn near insane. You're the most beautiful , talented and kind woman I know , I don't know how I've gotten so lucky to come home to such a perfect woman every day. Everything about you is undeniably perfect and every day I wake up and love you that little bit more. Harper , you make me the happiest man alive. I want to wake up next to you for the rest of my life , I couldn't imagine my life without you. Marry me. Be mine for the rest of our lives."

I watch as he drops to one knee and produces a small black box from the pocket inside his suit jacket. The ring inside almost sends me into cardiac arrest , it's a beautiful silver ring with a square diamond , surrounded by a band of smaller diamonds. It's the most beautiful piece of jewellery I have ever seen. I stand there for a few moments , completely in awe of the sight in front of me. Angelo Deluca , the most handsome man I have ever laid eyes on currently down on one knee asking me to marry him , the world truly works in mysterious ways.

"Y-yes , of course I'll marry you." I manage to splutter out " I couldn't imagine spending my life with anyone else."

"Neither can I love." He replied as he pulled me into him "let's see if this fits." He holds up my left hand and gently slides the delicate band over my finger. "It's perfect." I whisper

"Just like the woman who's wearing it." He replies as he places a small kiss on my knuckle.

Angelo insisted on carrying me up to bed that night , not that I protested much my head was still trying to process the fact that only a few hours before I'd been proposed to. Shrugging off my dress and changing into some shorts and a tank top I crawled into bed and waited for Angelo to join me. "Holy shit , my nan's going to freak out when I tell her."

"She won't , she already knows. I asked for her blessing weeks ago." Angelo replied as he climbed into bed next to me.

"Wow , you two are quite the team." I chuckle as my eyes start to close , I feel Angelo's arms wrap around my waist as he pulls me into him and I smile. "Goodnight Angelo , I love you."

"I love you too , Mrs. Deluca."

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