Chapter 23 - Edited ✓

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Harper's POV

The tension between the two of us was still thick as we climbed into the back of the limo. My body was like a live wire. "What have the nurses said about your grandmother ?"

"She's recovering well, the wound from her hip operation has been causing her some issues, but apart from that, she's recovering well. I need to speak to one of them today and ask about when she's aloud to come home."

"Let me know when she's being discharged; I'll get a car to collect her and drop her home."

"Angelo, you don't need to do that. I'm more than capable of calling a taxi."

" Let me , I'm sure your grandmother will be much more comfortable in one of the cars."

I chose not to argue , the car fell into a comfortable silence as we made our way towards the clinic. The silence aloud my mind to drift , all the times Id spent in the back of this limo with our fingers entwined and how close we'd been the night before. 

I'd never understood how people could view cars as sentimental items but this limo was close to my heart , it housed now what I'd class as some of my most treasured memories. Even if mine and Angelo's relationship never passed the stage of friendship I'd just be glad of the memories.

The car slowly came to a stop outside some fancy patisserie shop I'd never heard of, the faint smell of baked goods began flooding through the vehicle. "What type of pastries does your grandmother like ?"

I cocked my eyebrow at him slightly "you've got another thing coming If you think you're paying for this, I'm more than capable of paying for this myself."

"What type of pastries does your grandmother like ?" A cheeky smile appeared on his face, he wasn't backing down from this but what Mr Deluca didn't know, neither was I.

Without warning I dashed out of the car and towards the front of the shop , I could imagine the look on Angelo's face would be photo-worthy.

The inside of the shop was beautiful. Pale blue walls and dark wooden tables were dotted around and 2 large chandeliers that I assumed were real crystal hung from opposite ends of the room. "Good afternoon my names Tracy , what can I get for you today?" 

Taking a few moments to look at the selection of baked goods and drinks they served I recited my order. "Can I have one vanilla hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows , one caramel latte with an extra shot and can I also have a medium sized box of the most popular pastries but can you make sure there's one pecan slice in the selection please."

"No problem , your order won't be a moment." Tracy shot me another genuine smile.

Around five minutes later two large cups and a gorgeous box full of pastries were placed in front of me. "All of that comes to £15 , will you be paying with cash or card?"

"Cash please" I reply as I dig around in my purse for a twenty-pound note. Placing the change back in my bag I somehow manage to balance the two drinks on the box and make my way back out to the car. "I'm back , sorry it took so long" I shoot Angelo a smile as if butter didn't melt " I bought you some coffee , caramel latte with an extra shot."

"You didn't have to buy me, coffee Harper."

" Well I wanted to , I also got you this." Opening the box I pulled out the pecan slice and placed it in one of the tissues that had come with the box. " I knew you liked them , I thought I'd do something nice."

Angelo reached over and squeezed my hand, "Thank you, I appreciate it" the genuine smile that appeared on his face didn't help the fact that my heart was now hammering inside my rib cage. I took a deep breath hoping that it'd be enough to slow my heart rate. "It's no problem at all" I somehow managed to stammer out.

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