Chapter 18 - Edited ✓

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Harper's POV

It was nearly the end of my first month working for Angelo, and it was currently my first Saturday working in the office. It was much quieter in the building than it usually would be on a week day the lack of people typing away at their computers and phones continually ringing made the building feel even more intimidating if that was even possible.

After I placed my bag down and hung up my coat, I walked over to the little coffee machine; it had become my best friend in the short month I'd worked here. Waiting for the device to warm up, I walked through to Angelo's office and dropped down in the chair opposite his desk.

"Morning Boss , Coffee?" even though I was in work at 9am on a Saturday I was in an amazing mood , mine and Angelo's banter had returned full force after the little incident a few weeks ago where he flipped his shit. "Please just bring the pot in , were going to need it. I've got plans I need help going over , I need your opinion on some things.

"sure, I'll be back now."

I still had no idea why I was one of the people Angelo trusted when it came to the need for an opinion on a particular aspect of a new hotel or any other business venture he was pursuing. The one he needed help with the most was his new hotel, the one who's interior design was being left up to me. I'm sure other PA's weren't given this much control over business matters.

Walking back into my office I press the button on the machine and wait. A few minutes later fresh , hot coffee comes pouring out and I savour the rich aroma that begins filling the room. Grabbing the milk and sugar along with the two mugs me and Angelo had adopted as ours I made my way back through the door to Angelo's office where he's currently scribbling something down for the contractors , who we're meant to be meeting in a few days' time when the construction of the hotel begins.

"Sit, I'll sort out the drinks" his voice was something I'd never get tired of. The crush I had been nursing since I had met him hadn't seemed to die down, as I hoped it would. I just needed to remember to keep this as professional as I could, especially now I was involved In one of his extravagant projects.

I sat back and watched him as he poured the coffee; his movements were graceful and poised. I'd never seen a man so confidant in the way he handled himself before. But I suppose If you had the face and the body of a Greek god, you've got nothing to worry about.

"How many sugars today?" he asked, his voice laced with humour, shit he must have caught me staring. "3 please and hold the judgment please, you know I need my sugar"

He held his hands up in mock surrender "I'm keeping my mouth shut." I chuckle at his response. Moments later I'm cradling the warm mug and listening to what Angelo had to say about the plans for the new hotel.

"Construction should last for just over 10 months but the interior will take 6 months to complete properly , but I'm sure with you overseeing the whole process it'll be worth the wait. When it gets closer to the time I'll give you a brief of what the interior will look like but you can make any changes you see fit as long as you run it past me first , it's not that I don't trust you but it's policy."

I was stunned, " I don't know why you're trusting me with all this, can't you just get an interior designer for the hotel?"

He paused for a moment before replying " I could, but I think you're more than capable of the task, and besides, you know what I like."

The thoughts that ran though my head were threatening to bring an almighty blush to my cheeks , you need to get it together Harper , he is your boss. "So what else do we have planned today?"

The rest of the afternoon went by smoothly it was filled with Angelo's ideas on what the new hotel would be like and where he wanted the chain to expand to. 

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