Chapter 3 - Edited✓

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Harpers POV

As usual, the obnoxious shrieking of my alarm wakes me up far too early. Glancing at my phone screen ... 7:30 am, less than three hours sleep.

Well, I suppose it's better than nothing.

I'm practically dragging myself out of bed and down the stairs. I follow the mouth-watering scent of toast and coffee, mornings like this I'm so glad that Nan makes me breakfast.

I can barely function without sleep let alone operate a toaster without burning the entire house down.

Dropping down into one of the chairs in the kitchen I mumble the incoherent version of my usual good morning to Nan. "Coffee dear?" She chuckles as she turns to face me.

"Black with three sugars please" I mumble as I place my head down on the table and closing my eyes. Just five more minutes.

A few moments later a cup of hot coffee was placed in front of me along with my usual choice of breakfast, brown toast and chocolate spread.

Seeing the food and the hot mug of coffee in front of me perked me up slightly but the fatigue was still lingering, and I somehow had to get through school without falling asleep.

Ten minutes later and after another hot mug of coffee, I'm dragging myself back upstairs to get ready.

The one thing about having perfect attendance is if you have a day off that's fine nothing too catastrophic just catch up the next day, right? WRONG!!

If you happen to be the school recluse like me, it leads to unanswered questions and people digging around in your business for the latest gossip on why Harper Dawson didn't show up to school for the first time since she started high school.

If they found out I worked in Opal, they'd all get the wrong idea; I'd be ridiculed.

No one would understand why I have to work there; I have less than five months left of high school getting through them without any drama would be an achievement in itself.

Lying down on my bed I take a few minutes to properly think about what I agreed to do for Jack this Friday.

I knew from speaking to other girls in Opal that the tips you get from working those types of meetings were astonishing with one girl getting over £400 for a few hours of just ensuring the businessmen in the meeting were comfortable and had their drinks topped up when necessary.

Overall, I knew it was a good idea if I did well I know Jack would 'make' me do more of them. That meant less late-night shifts along with a more substantial amount of money at the end of the night it would benefit Nan and I greatly I just have to concentrate on not royally fucking this meeting up.

Lifting myself off my bed, I make my way over to the wardrobe. Pulling out a pair of denim jeans and a baggy khaki jumper deciding that it was suitable school attire for a Monday morning when I feel barely sentient.

Ten minutes later I'm ready after grabbing my glasses off the bedside table, and I'm making my way downstairs, hoping I have time for one more cup of coffee before school I'm going to need it.

After another sizeable black coffee combined with a long internal debate on whether or not skipping school for the first time in forever would be worth it, but again the coward in me decides against it I really couldn't take the risk.

Walking into the living room, I find Nan watching TV in my grandad's favourite chair with his blanket draped over her lap. "I'm off to school now Nan, I'll see you later okay?" I say as I lean in to give her a kiss on the cheek.

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