Chapter 9 - Edited ✓

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Harper's POV

I was stood in front of the mirror in my bedroom critiquing my appearance, I had struggled to tame my hair in the end giving up on straitening the monstrosity and settling for loose curls. My eyes were slightly glittery, and my eyelashes had been curled and my false ones applied.

It had been a few days since Angelo had seen my dressed up like this. When we usually spend time together my hair was piled on top of my head in a bun and my face clear from any make up, a part of me wanted to show him the part of me that wasn't plain and simple I wanted him to see my sexy and sophisticated side not just the side of me that wore baggy jumpers and skinny jeans. I pulled out my phone from my purse to check if Angelo was still meeting me at the club tonight.

To: Angelo

From: Harper

You still coming tonight?

His reply was almost instant, it made my heart flutter.

From: Angelo

To: Harper

Of course, I'll see you soon

I tried to find any hidden meaning behind his text, anything that may indicate that he might feel the way I do, but I found none it was a simple message between friends. That's all we were, friends. The though depressed me slightly but I knew that a simple girl like me didn't deserve the love and affection from the likes of Angelo Deluca.

Angelo was the type of man that will end up falling in love with a woman with good breeding who's undergone years of training to become the perfect socialite and wife to a man with as much power as Angelo. I on the other hand would be classed as lucky to even be in the same room as the man let alone class him as a friend. The ping from my phone alerted me to the car waiting outside and I smiled, the thought of spending time with Angelo made me feel warm inside.

I made my way down stairs and out towards the car waiting for me. A wave of fear washed over my body and I had to take a few deep breaths to calm myself before I got into the car. I sat back in the cool leather seat and tried to push the feeling of impending doom to the back of my mind but something in my gut told me that something was seriously wrong. I masked the uncomfortable feeling with a smile as I made my way inside the club, making my way to the executive suit I sat down at the booth me and Angelo usually occupied and waited for him to arrive.

It was 2 hours into my shift and there'd been no sign of Angelo. The anxiety I had felt earlier had only increased and I worried that something bad had happened to him. Calm down he probably had a meeting. Or he forgot about you and is with another woman ... my subconscious was really a massive bitch, I knew Angelo would never ditch me for someone. A bitter taste appeared in my mouth as reality set in, we were just friends so if he decided to blow off us spending time together to see someone else it shouldn't bother me, but it did. I was desperate to get my hands on my phone, to know the reason why he was so late. Another ugly thought appeared in my brain, maybe he had just forgotten about me, maybe I wasn't that important to him after all.

I tried to occupy myself serving other people in the suite, I need to take my mind of Mr no show. I wasn't angry I was just upset that he didn't tell me. I'd glance over at the clock every few minutes to see if it had moved drastically since I'd last looked, it hadn't all I could think about was checking my phone, he might be in trouble or hurt. Stop being so morbid Harper pull yourself together, you have a job to do. The logical part of me was right, I have a job to do. I put on my best 'hello sir, how can I help you' smile and made my way round all the tables offering the men scattered around the suite top-ups for whatever they were drinking.

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