Chapter 29 - Edited ✓

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Harper's POV

That night I couldn't sleep , for one of the first times in my 18 years on this planet I was terrified. Someone knew about my job in Opal , even though I'd tried my hardest to make sure my job stayed a secret , someone had found out. I'd thought about texting Angelo and telling him what had happened but I couldn't bring myself to do it , not when he was in an important business meeting , I might have been scared but I wasn't selfish. I'd deal with this on my own until he picks me up in the morning , I wasn't going to bend to the threat from whoever sent me the text message , I wasn't weak. My life had thrown bigger curve balls at me than this , and if this person expected me to submit to a threat they had no idea who they were messing with because there was no way over my dead body that I'd let Angelo go , not after last night. I was going to fight this and I was going to win.

When my alarm went off in the morning, instead of feeling scared, I felt empowered. After I had showered I put on my best work outfit, a ruffled white blouse and a black pencil skirt paired with my black Louis Vuitton peep-toe heels and with some light make up on I were ready to concur the world. At 8:30 am precisely the familiar black limo pulled up outside the house. Shouting a quick goodbye nan, I picked up my phone and bag and made my way out to the car.

Climbing into the back of the limo I immediately chucked my phone to Angelo , "We have a problem." I stated as I made myself as comfortable as possible in my seat. The car was healthy quiet , you could've heard a pin drop. I looked over at Angelo and his face was void of any emotion but I knew just simmering under the surface there was raw anger , the way his usual light blue eyes darkened was a clear indicator on how he was currently feeling even though he hadn't spoken two words to me since I slid into the car. 

"Are you okay?" His voice was icy cold , I knew he was having a hard time controlling his anger. Grabbing his clenched fist I managed to pry it open and slip my hand in , "I'm fine , it's nothing we can't handle. Everything's going to be fine." My voice was strong , filled with confidence but a little part of me was freaking out because someone somewhere knew my secret.

The car was quiet for the duration of the journey , I could tell that every cog in Angelo's mind was working at full capacity to solve the text message mystery , then it suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks , the thought made me want to slap myself for not thinking of it earlier. "Jessica" I blurted out into the silent car. If there was ever a time to see rage consume a person it was now , the muscle in Angelo's jaw was ticking and I was fearful that his teeth would crumble if he clenched his jaw any tighter. " I thought she'd be smart enough to stay away but clearly not."

The rage was evident in his voice and the way he ran his fingers through his hair. " I know some people that can tell me where the text came from, but they'll need your phone, is that okay?" His voice and features had softened when he turned to face me.

" Of course it's fine , what are we going to do if it's her?" I had never been a violent person, but I couldn't say I'd feel bad if I accidentally happened to slap the little troll.

" Were not going to give her what she wants if she wants to play dirty, we can do the same. She's not going to win this one." I could see the fear in his eyes; he was scared that I was going to run and that the fear of having my secret told to the whole town would make me run.

But what he didn't realise was that I was a much stronger person now. I had an amazing job and now I had Angelo by my side , my life finally felt complete and there was nothing on this earth that could make me leave the man who was sat beside me.

After we got to work we parted ways , leaving for our allocated offices. I couldn't help feel a little disappointed , while I had a ridiculously quiet day it seemed Angelo had the complete opposite with his day being packed full of important meetings and conference calls , but he did reassure me that he would find some time to get my phone looked at to determine if the text was actually Jessica. 

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