Chapter 35

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Harper's POV

As soon as my eyes opened I could sense something was wrong , the space next to me in the bed was empty. I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair , did he even come back to bed last night? Just as I began to worry , a dishevelled looking Angelo walked through the door. "Where have you been?" I asked as I walked over to him

"We need to leave , get your things. I'll explain everything in the car." His voice was cold and detached.

Was it something I did ? I could feel the worry start to cloud my mind , I tried to think of something I could've said or done to make him want us to leave this abruptly but my mind kept drawing blanks , the night had been perfect.

I looked up at him and I couldn't help but let a solitary tear slip down my cheek , "was it something I said?" I barley even recognised my own voice as it left my lips. I watched as he ran his fingers through his already dishevelled hair "No love , you've done nothing wrong. Come here." He said

I did as I was told and all but launched myself into his arms and buried my face in his neck. "Did you come to bed last night?" I asked curiously

"No." He replied "We need to get going." He kissed the top of my head and released me from our embrace. I made quick work of shimmying back into the dress I'd worn here the night before and collected my things as quickly as possible. Less than 5 minutes later we were in the back of the limo speeding towards home.

"So , what's actually going on?" I asked after we'd been driving for some time.

"We're going to the office." He replied " I've shut the building for the day , only a few members of security will be there."

"Why do we need to go to the office?" I asked , completely confused. "Does it have anything to do with the phone call you got last night?"

" It does." He replied , the cool tone from earlier returning to his voice. For the rest of the journey I wracked my brain for some idea of what could have happened , if it was something serious why would he need me there?

15 minutes later and we were stood in the hallway that house mine and Angelo's offices. "The head of security was the one that called me last night , there was a break in." I'd never seen him look and sound so serious. "Was anything stolen?" I asked , my mind started to race. All of the businesses most important documents were kept in Angelo's office , if someone got their hands on that information it could be catastrophic for the business and the other companies involved. "Nothing was stolen , but there's something you need to see." He began walking towards the door of my office , I followed quick on his heels until we both stood before the door. "Do you need a moment or shall I just open it ?." He asked

"Just open the door Angelo , it can't be that bad." I chuckled. However as the door swung open I knew that wasn't the case.

It was fair to say my office was utterly ruined , my desk had been upturned and my computer smashed and the remains of my beloved coffee machine were scattered across the room. However it wasn't that bothered me the most , it was the bold red words that read slut and whore surrounded me along with the photo of me in opal but this time there wasn't just one , it seemed as if there were hundreds of copies of the photo stuck to the wall. I was speechless , the office furniture could be replaced but the pure malice that was plastered all over the 4 walls of the room caused a lump to form in my throat.

"We can get the office cleaned love." He said as he appeared beside me "I've already got someone coming to sort all of this out."

"That's not the point is it." I snapped "look at this , look at how fucked up this is and I'll bet I know who did this." At this point I was past the point of being angry , I was seething. "All I've ever wanted is a normal life and a decent job but no what do I get , a stupid bitch who can't let go of her obsession for you blackmailing me and trashing my office." My whole body felt like it was shaking , I was angry , upset but most of all fed up. "This has gone too far." I sighed , gesturing to the mess in front of me , "she needs to be dealt with , I can't live my life looking over my shoulder constantly and bending to the demands of some girl who thinks she has some hold over you , news flash that isn't normal and I'm not putting up with it. She's either dealt with or I'm sorry Angelo I can't be with you anymore." With that I turned and walked out of my office , leaving a stunned Angelo behind.

I was grateful for the cold gust of wind that hit me when I left the building but it made me realise something , I was still in last night's clothes. I groaned inwardly as I tried to figure out what I was going to do , I just needed some space and some time away from this mess. Thankfully I realised where I needed to go and for the first time that day , a smile appeared on my lips. After the taxi pulled up outside the cemetery I smiled , thanking the driver I got out and started walking in the direction where my parents and grandad were buried. Thankfully , the part of the cemetery they were in was quiet. I made my way over to my usual spot on the bench and sunk down into it.

God I wish you were all here , you'd know what I'd need to do. I sat there in silence in the company of my parents and grandad for a while trying to wrap my head around the mess that had unfolded , as I got up to leave a light shower of snow began to fall. I automatically reached for my phone to call Angelo but I stopped myself , I needed a break from this mess and I needed time to think everything through so I decided to brave the weather and hoped to god it wouldn't get any worse on the short walk home.

"Nan , I'm home." I shouted as I walked through the door. No answer , I made my way into the kitchen and found a note on the fridge.

Harper , I've gone to bingo. Hope you had a lovely evening , can't wait to hear all about it.

Lots of love Nan xxx

I laughed , even though she had a phone she still opted for leaving me little notes on the fridge when she went out. Flicking the switch on the coffee machine I ran upstairs to change into something a little warmer. Pulling my phone out of my clutch I pressed the home button and realised that sometime on the way back it had died. "shit" I murmured as I plugged the charger into the phone , as it started up the text's that Angelo must have sent when he realised I wasn't in the building anymore started to come through along with a dozen of missed calls and voice mails. Clicking on my messages I started to skim through them , they were all the same most of them asking where I was ?, was I okay ? And asking me to call him back. I ignored them all , I still needed some time to think. As I was about to lock my phone a text from an unknown number came through that made my blood boil.

To: Harper

From: unknown

Hope you liked your new office :)

I told you I'd ruin you if you didn't end things

With Angelo , this is just the begging sweetie.

I'd watch your back if I were you , slut.

I placed my head in my hands , I couldn't fucking believe it. I picked up the phone that I'd discarded on the bed beside me and dialled Angelo's number. "Harper , I can't talk at the moment. I'll call you back later" and then the line went dead , It took every ounce of self-control I had to not launch the phone at the wall. "I'm sick of this shit!" I screamed , hot angry tears began to fall down my cheeks. I leant back and sunk down into my bed , this day just kept getting worse and worse. I found it had to believe that this time yesterday I was excited for the surprise that Angelo had planned for the both of us but now things couldn't be more different.

Lying in bed I wondered if all the chaos that seemed to have surrounded my life these past few months would subside. My thoughts drifted to Angelo momentarily and how I had acted back at the office earlier and I cringed inwardly. In my mind I knew I loved the man but the ultimate quest I was on for a normal life was clouding that , I remembered the conversation we had had and how I told him we were going to fight for us , and that's exactly what I was going to do.

Picking up my phone I sent him a text.

To: Angelo

From: Harper

I'm sorry about earlier :(

Can you come round later I need to talk x

Pressing send a sly smile appeared on my lips , you might have won the battle Jessica , but you haven't won the war.

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