Chapter 24 - Edited ✓

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Harper's POV

Jesus Christ I don't know if I'd ever been this nervous before , my whole body felt like it was shaking. I'd been tossing and turning all night , at around 4 am I'd given up with trying to sleep and found myself cradling a cup of coffee in the dimly lit kitchen. In the early hours of Tuesday morning I'd realized something , I loved Angelo. 

With that thought I knew I had to tell him, the feeling had been eating me away for weeks now and I needed to do something about it, I couldn't go on like this . The thought of going to work in a few hours and confessing my feelings to my best friend who also happens to be my boss was daunting to say the least.

God I wish I had someone to talk to about this , I had to be THAT girl. The one who fell in love with her best friend and if that wasn't enough , this was the first time I'd even felt like this , it was a strange and foreign feeling to me. I knew if my nan was here she knew what to do but she wasn't home for another few days so I was left to figure this whole mess out all by myself. 

I had tried to imagine what I'd actually say to Angelo , I didn't want to make him feel like this was all some kind of joke when this was one of the most important things to ever happen to date in my life. I couldn't exactly go up to him and be like ' hey Angelo , I've been in love with you for a while but I've been too much of a chicken to tell you'. God feelings were complicated , I'd gone through 18 years of my life without having to deal with feelings like this but the moment my eyes met Angelo's he completely messed that up for me.

I knew when it came down to it I'd tell him , by the end of the day my best friend would know that I had feelings for him and my heart was either going to remain intact or its going to end up shattering into a million pieces. 

The thought of rejection scared me the most , I was a confidant person most of the time and I'd say what's on my mind but the thought of opening up to someone and revealing something as raw as loving someone to only have it thrown back in your face made me want to keep those thoughts and feelings to myself. However the small possibility of Angelo returning the feelings was what was keeping me going , I knew I had to do it. It was make or break time.

By 8:15 I was ready , freshly showered and make up applied. I was pleased with how I looked today , my hair falling elegantly down my back after a 20 minute battle with the hair straighteners. My white blouse and black skirt combo was elegant but also professional. 

Thankfully the butterflies in my stomach had subsided enough to let me enjoy my usual chocolate spread on toast. By the time the toast was gone and I had drained the last drop of coffee from my cup my phone had buzzed to let me know Angelo was outside , not feeling as brave as I'd like I'd opted to tell him during lunch.

"Good morning, Harper , sleep well?"

" I slept great, you?" Okay, I lied, but Angelo didn't need to know I'd been up all night trying to figure out how I was going to confess my love to him, he'd find out later on.

" Sleep hasn't been my closest of friend lately , the paperwork needed for the new hotel needs to be filled out along with working out how long with the construction is going to take so we can start the interior aspect , I feel like I've aged 10 years. New hotels always take it out of me."

My heart ached for him , he worked too hard without asking for help from his employees. "Why don't you let me help? I've got your calendar to sort out this morning and fit meetings into your schedule but I'll be done by lunch and then I'm all yours ?" I tried my best not to blush at my own words.

" Thank you Harper , I really appreciate the offer. Meet me in my office at 12:30 , bring your lunch and we can go from there. You can start picking colour schemes and other internal aspects for the hotel." The smile that had found its way onto his face was breath taking.

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