Chapter 4 - Edited ✓

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Harpers POV

I've made a mental list of things I need to get and prepare for the meeting that was about to start in less than Twenty minutes. I made sure all six of the whisky glasses were clean and placed in the middle of the table, and I did a quick sweep around the room to make sure it was clean and presentable.

Glancing at the clock on the wall I had just over five minutes left, just enough time to re-apply some lip gloss and make sure I looked respectable. A few minutes later a generous layer of my favourite lip gloss had been applied, and my hair had been fluffed up, giving me a sexy and somewhat sophisticated look. I was ready to tend to Mr Deluca and his business friends.

Standing in my place in the corner of the large meeting room I waited for Mr Deluca and his friends to arrive. Moments later I heard mumbling from the other side of the door, my palms started to get clammy, and my anxiety shot to a sky-high level. Taking a deep breath, I composed myself; you can do this Harper.

Moments later six men clad in expensive business attire walked into the room, all of the men oozed arrogance and were products of generations of wealth and good breeding. They all had that classic cocky bachelor look and chiselled bone structure to go with their lean but muscular bodies and hair that had been combed and styled to perfection.

Naturally, they all looked like Adonis himself, that wasn't exactly helping calm my nerves knowing I'd be stuck in a room for god knows how long with six men that are the definition of perfection.

There was one man that took the description of cockiness to a whole new level, his crisp suit was fitted perfectly to his form, and I'm sure if he removed his jacket his shirt would outline his naturally well-defined abs. Drinking in his appearance as he crossed the room to his seat I noticed a few things. His suit was personally tailored, my guess some expensive brand like Armani.

His hair was styled to perfection slicked back with just the right amount of gel it was a rich brown colour that almost looked black and his deep blue eyes were the most hypnotic things I had ever seen in my life. His whole appearance demanded attention and respect, from personal experience I assume that this was Mr Deluca. All of a sudden, he cleared his throat and began speaking.

"Who might you be?" his voice was thick and velvety and sent shivers down my spine, and it didn't help that he was looking straight at me, causing my heartbeat to rise to the point of where it felt like It was about to burst through my rib cage.

"H-Harper sir, I'm here to make sure your drinks are constantly topped up and that you and the other men here are as comfy and happy as possible while you're here at opal". I manage to say without stumbling over my words I give myself a mental high five for not letting my nerves get the best of me.

Mr sex on legs began speaking again "Well Harper, would you be so kind to fill up our glasses and we'll be ready to start the meeting, I don't want to keep any of you longer than needs be". His voice sends another deep shiver through me, the sound of my name rolling off his tongue did something to me, I prayed that my cheeks hadn't turned red.

Walking over to the table I felt all six pairs of eyes on me; this is the only time I've ever been overly aware of what I was wearing. Being in a skin-tight dress and stockings in a room full of young businessmen wasn't an ideal setting; however, I knew Jack would go ballistic if any of them tried anything on me. Thankfully, at the moment all of these men were more interested in what Mr Deluca was about to say.

Picking up the bottle of scotch I began walking around the table filling up the individual glasses with the correct amount of scotch. The last glass to be filled is Mr DeLuca's; I had purposely filled his glass up last needing the few moments I had filling up the other men's glasses to steady my nerves before I reached him.

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