Chapter 31

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Harper's POV

"Did you listen to what I said , Slut?" Her whole persona had changed , I'm sure she thought her scrunched up face and the way she was glaring at me would look threatening but to me It was pathetic , almost chuckle worthy. I decided to play along with her little game , it'd be much more interesting for me to watch when she finds out I hadn't bent to one of her little threats.

"You'll be pleased to know that I left Angelo earlier , he dropped me home and I told him I didn't want to see him anymore."

"Did he believe it?" Jesus this girls mood was out of control one minute she looks ready to blow and the next she's ecstatic.

" I think so , he didn't look that disappointed though. Things got a little heated and he mentioned something about calling you once he got home?" At that I swear she almost passed out in her seat , I turned my back on not so scary barbie and poured myself a cup of coffee it was either that or collapse on the floor in a fit of giggles.

"I knew he couldn't resist me , you see Hetty I'm everything that you aren't."  I resisted the urge to correct her , she knew who I was it was point scoring for her at this point but what she didn't know is that I'd have the last laugh. "I'm beautiful , skinny , rich and come from generations of good breeding and you're just plain old you. That's why people like me end up with men like Angelo and you'll probably end up sad and alone." Her voice was cold and calculating , I'll give it to her she knew how to cut someone with words but god was she wrong.

"You're lucky to have a man like Angelo , Jessica. He really is something , I was totally out of my league to ever think I'd have a chance with him."

" He really is something isn't he , don't worry though little girls can only dream about having a man like him on their arm. It takes a special woman to be able to handle someone like Angelo Deluca." I almost gagged at her words

" I hope you appreciate him this time Jessica."

" What do you mean this time?" She asked slightly confused

" Well you know , don't go around sleeping with his board members. Stuff like that , it really isn't a good show of character."

Before I could even blink she was in front of me , a lout crack sounded across the kitchen and that was followed by a searing pain in my cheek. All I can say Is Jessica Black can hit , hard. But getting that little dig in was completely worth the bitch slap. "Watch who you're talking to Dawson , have you forgotten who's got that photo of you in that whore bar?" her voice was cold and dangerous. What I wanted to say would probably get me slapped again as it revolved around her dad and what he might or might not be up too in that same 'whore bar'. " I apologize , that was out of character for me."

"Well , looks like my job here is done. If I even get a whiff of you around Angelo I will ruin your life , do you understand? Whatever bullshit reputation you think you have I will crush."

" I understand completely , Jessica."

"Good , ciao sweetie. Let's hope I don't have the misfortune of having to speak to you again."

With that she picked up her handbag and left the kitchen , I didn't move until I heard the latch on the door click and then I erupted into a fit of giggles. By the time I had calmed down I was almost positive that my make-up was ruined. Despite being bitch slapped in my kitchen I feel like the conversation had gone pretty well. I couldn't wait to find out how she'd react when she realizes that I'd just lied to her face. Whatever she has planned is totally worth it though because I have something she doesn't , Angelo.

After running upstairs to survey the damage to my face I found that I was going to be slightly bruised for the next few days and also that the little bitch had cut me. After covering the redness and the small cut the best I could I went downstairs to enjoy the trashy TV I absolutely adore , I did love staying at Angelo's but I couldn't sit and watch the same programs with him as I did with my nan , he made it very clear on his dislike for them when I asking if we could watch The Jeremy Kyle Show one morning , the memory made me chuckle. I began to wonder how he was getting on with the reporter , I'd never had my face in a magazine before let alone all over the internet and social media , by this time tomorrow everyone will know who I am and that me and Angelo are an item. I decided that I should let my nan know before she found out from one of her gossipy little friends from bingo , god that'd be embarrassing if they found out before her.

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