Chapter 17 - Edited ✓

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Harper's POV

The journey to work this morning was full of tension. Angelo barley spoke and I was left to twiddle my thumbs next to the brooding Adonis , I tried to distract myself but the atmosphere In the car was almost suffocating. I prayed that the long queue of traffic in front of us would disperse quickly so I could escape and tuck myself away in my office and take cover from the storm that was undoubtedly brewing.

The moment I stepped into my office the door connecting mine and Angelo's offices slammed shut , I was surprised that the force of the slam didn't shatter every window on this floor. I looked at my diary that was placed on my desk, and one of the post-it notes scribbled down in handwriting that a 4 year old would be proud of was a reminder to myself , call Mr Black 2 arrange lunch meeting. Well shit , looks like it's time to poke the bear.

I knocked on the door gently and waited to be called in, moments later the door swung open in front of me. This was a bear that I didn't want to poke or go anywhere near at this point, I could see the raw anger radiating from his body, and it scared me slightly. I'd never seen him like this before, I saw a similar look on his face when he caught me dancing on the stage in Opal a few months ago, but that was more discontentment than fury.

"D-Do you want me to arrange that meeting with Mr Black for this afternoon or shall I tell him you're unavailable for today?" Curse you and your inability to form a sentence without stuttering, I screamed at myself inwardly. This is Angelo you're speaking to not some tyrant.

"I'll sort it." His voice came out clipped and cold.

"Are you sure I don't...."

" I SAID I'LL SORT IT." The sheer volume of his voice shocked me, but what shocked me more is that his outburst had left a lump in my throat, and my eyes feeling damp.

I turned and walked out of the office without even looking back , quietly shutting the door I slid down it and placed my head on my knees. An almighty smash came from the other side of the door causing me to flinch slightly. I wanted to know what was eating him up so much but there was no way in hell that I'd be going back in there any time soon. I decided that sitting on the floor wasn't doing me any good and that the best thing to keep my mind of things was to bury myself in work until all of this mess blows over.

2 hours later and I felt much better , I had organised and noted down all of Angelo's business meetings for the next 2 weeks along with noting down messages that had either been left for Angelo personally on the phone in my office or passed onto me by one of the receptionists.

The computer screen in front of me lit up, and a small ping sounded from the speakers. It was an E-mail, more importantly, an E-mail from Angelo.

To: Harper

From: Angelo

Why aren't you answering your phone? Have you lost the use of your hands? Come into my office once you've read this.

I glared at the screen completely dumbfounded. I went to where I had placed my bag across the room and pulled out my phone. 5 missed calls and 3 text messages , all from Angelo. I walked over to the coffee machine and fired it up , there was no way I was going back in there without a peace offering , maybe he'd tell me what was wrong if I plied him with enough coffee.

"I know this isn't going to be as good as those fancy lattes were used to in our coffee shop but it's the best I could do , besides you look like you need some." Placing the mug of hot liquid down along with several sugars and a small pot of milk , I took a seat in front of Angelo's desk and waited for him to start talking.

"I'm sorry for upsetting you earlier , I shouldn't have raised my voice like that. Especially not at you" his voice came out quiet and his eyes never left the coffee cup in his hands. The rage was still there but he seemed to have better control over it than he did a few hours ago. "You didn't upset me , you just shocked me that's all. I knew you weren't right this morning in the car , is it anything I can help you with?" I wished for him to look at me , I wanted nothing more than to see his beautiful blue eyes even though I knew they'd be the deepest shade of blue I still wanted him to look at me , just so I could get a read on how he was feeling.

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