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5 years later

Harper's POV

I placed the stick down on the sink and drop to the floor. Holy shit this isn't happening , I'm not ready for this.I'd been stupid , I'd forgotten to renew my prescription for my contraceptive now I was sat on the bathroom floor waiting for the pregnancy test to develop. I should've taken one sooner , I mentally scolded myself I'd been adamant that the missed period was due to the stress of work and getting accepted as Angelo's head of interior designs team but no , this was the second late period and now I was panicking. I don't know how long I'd sat there on the tiled floor , I just couldn't bring myself to pick the test up.

Were me and Angelo ready for a child? Sure we'd spoken about it but nothing had been planned , nothing was set in stone. Christ we'd only been married 4 years , I wanted us to go traveling and see what the world has to offer before even thinking about making a child. Then it hit me and my hands flew to my stomach , I could actually be pregnant there may actually be a tiny human growing inside me. The thought was enough to send me into a fit of hysteria. I glanced at my phone , 4:55 pm. "Shit" I muttered he'll be home any minute. Get it together Harper , just look at the test and whatever the outcome you can deal with it.

In a moment of sheer madness I got up and pounced on the test , flipping it over I gasped when I saw the result. "Holy shit , I'm having a baby." After another few minutes of hysterical crying I forced myself to snap out of it. You're going to have to tell Angelo about the baby. I glance at my reflection in the mirror and cringe at what I see , I splash some cold water over my face and run a brush through my hair trying to at least make myself somewhat presentable for when Angelo gets home. I slip the test into my pocket and make my way down the stairs to the kitchen to get a start on dinner , guess I'll need to make a little extra now I'm eating for twoI joke to myself. Just as I start getting out the necessary pots and pans out I hear the door shut. "I'm home love." Angelo shouts

"In the kitchen." Is all I manage to get out , I'm surprised that I even managed to speak.

"How's your day off been , I missed you at work today." he says as his arms wrap around my waist , I try not to flinch or pull away but he's so close to the test and I'm seriously not ready to spring that bomb shell on him yet. " I missed you too. Dinner won't be long."

"Is everything okay?" He asked

"Yeah , just tired that's all." I reply , trying to keep my voice as even as possible. Thankfully he leaves to go and change a few moments later and I let out a huge sigh of relief , I'll tell him after dinner I tell myself mentally.

To say dinner was awkward would be the understatement of the century , I could barely eat so I just ended up pushing the pasta around the plate for a while. I was trying my hardest not to freak out but I could feel the anxiety creeping up on me , god I didn't want to cry but it was proving to be a lot harder said that done. Throughout dinner my mind had been going over all of these different scenarios what if he didn't want a child yet and tried to make me get rid of it ? What if he left me once I got all fat and hormonal because he couldn't cope , that's when the tears started to fall. I threw my cutlery down on the table and ran as fast as I could to the bathroom and locked myself inside. I could hear Angelo shouting asking me to tell him what's wrong but I couldn't answer him my whole body had froze.

"Harper , tell me what's wrong." He said from the other side of the door "if it's something I've done please tell me so I can make it better. I hate it when you cry." His voice was thick with worry but it only made me cry harder. "Baby please , open the door." I wanted to , god I really wanted too but opening that door meant facing reality and admitting to him that we were having a baby and the thought of that terrified me."I-i c-cant." I mumbled through the tears.

"Please come out , love. You don't even have to tell me what's wrong just come out of the bathroom." I took a moment to collect myself , it was inevitable that I was going to have to tell him about our baby , I knew I couldn't keep something like that from him regardless of how scared it made me. After wiping my eyes and a few deep breaths I unlocked the door and stepped out into the bedroom.

"You scared me love. If I've done something wrong tell me and I'll fix it." He said as he gently wrapped his arms around me.

"N-no , it's not you. I need to tell you something , I think it's best if you sit down." He did as he was told and went over to the bed and sat down. Jesus Christ how do you tell someone you're carrying their child."First of all I just want to say that I'm sorry. I was really irresponsible and if what I'm about to tell you pisses you off I'll pack a bag and stay with my nan tonight."

"You're my wife , you're not going anywhere." we'll see about that once you find out I'm carrying your child.

"Close your eyes and hold out your hands." I say as I walk over to him , pulling out the pregnancy test from my pocket I placed it in his hands. "You can open your eyes now."

I watched as he looked down to see what had been placed in his hands. "Is this yours?" He asked quietly

"Y-yes , I'm so sorry I -." I was cut off by Angelo's lips crashing down onto mine and I almost squealed as he picked me up and spun me around. "You're happy about this?" I asked after he put me down. "Jesus Christ , of course I am. We're having a child together , I couldn't be happier." The smile on his face was almost heart stopping and I couldn't help but smile myself. "I was scared to tell you." I confess "I was scared that you wouldn't want a baby yet and you'd want me to leave." He placed both hands on the side of my face and kissed me again , "there's nothing I want more in this world than to start a family with you."

I smiled to myself. I guess I got my happily ever after , after all.


Day and night Is finally over. It's been just a little over 6 months since I first started this book and I couldn't have imagined it getting over 500 reads let alone nearly 1.5K. I just want to thank every single person who's read this book , I'm so so so grateful for the continued support and I hope you all enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

My second book , Love , Drugs & Lies will be started today and I'll be posting the first few chapters once I'm completely happy with them. So if you already haven't go to my profile and add the new book to your library so you don't miss out. I'll try and get the chapters up as soon as possible.

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