Chapter 20 - Edited ✓

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Harper's POV

The days leading up to Thursday were excruciatingly long but thankfully after a heated debate Angelo had agreed to let me come back to work , the thought of pacing around the house for 4 days with nothing to do didn't appeal to me what so ever. After I'd spent the night at Angelo's we spent the day together watching shitty daytime TV and talking about the Hotel and how on Wednesday we were going to visit the building site to check on the progress.

Going back to an empty house that night was hard , even though I was technically an adult I'd never been on my own before. There had always been someone there when I got in but not this time , I was completely alone and it was awful. Angelo had made it clear that I could stay with him until my nan got better but I needed to put some space between us.

Waking up in his bed that morning felt too good , being surrounded by the smell of his musky aftershave and body wash was pure heaven and the thought of him carrying me to bed made me think of what it'd be like to have him all to myself. It was getting harder and harder to supress my feelings for him , I had come to terms with the fact that I was practically besotted with one of my only friends who also now happened to be my boss.

Thankfully the only times during the week I was in close proximity to Angelo was Wednesday when we made the 30 minute trip to the building site. My hands itched to touch him , we hadn't been this close since I had basically passed out in his lap Saturday evening and I wanted nothing more than to have his arms around me again and my head buried in the crook of his neck.

By the time Thursday morning came around I could barely contain myself , my nans operation had been successful and they had managed to move her to the private clinic that Angelo had generously paid for. As soon as my mobile rang that morning I practically sprinted to the limo , I couldn't wait to get this day over and done with so I could go and see my nan.

"Morning boss" my voice is surprisingly cheery as I drop down into my usual seat in the limo. "Morning Harper, do you need a lift to the clinic later to see your nan?"

"If you don't mind , I had something to ask you anyway"

"Ask away" he turned his body slightly so he was facing me and as usual my heart fluttered when his eyes met mine. " I just wanted to ask whether you wanted to meet my nan or not , you're practically bank rolling her hospital treatment." He went silent for a moment, but then a heart-stopping smile appeared on his face. "I'd love to Harper , I've got a meeting at one o'clock and I should be out by three, so I'll take the rest of the day off and we can go then."

This man was making it much too hard for me not to fall in love with him.

As soon as we reached work I immediately threw myself into little tasks that needed doing that day , I wanted to be able to leave as soon as I could. It was a little after 1 o'clock and there was a knock at my office door. "Come in" I called from my place at the desk.

" I'm off to my meeting now Harper , I'm diverting all my calls to your office phone. Take notes of the important ones and as soon as I'm done we'll head of okay ?"

"Sounds good , before you go is there anything you need me to add to your planner for next week , I'm in the middle of doing it now ?"

" I don't think so , if I think of anything I'll let you know. I'll see you later."

" Enjoy your meeting" I called out as he left the office.

It didn't take me long to organise his planner for next week , for a business man he had quite a lot of time on his hands , the man barley had any meetings to go too. An hour into organising the office phone rang. "Angelo Deluca's office Harper speaking"

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