Chapter 36

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Harper's POV

After an hour of binge watching shows on Netflix my phone finally vibrated.

To: Harper

From: Angelo

I'll be over in 20 minutes. I've got something to tell you , I love you.

My heart fluttered at the last three words and I couldn't help let a small smile appear on my face. As soon as Angelo got hear we were going to formulate a game plan , we needed to stop Jessica once and for all , I wanted her out of our lives and I wanted It done now. Jumping off my bed I made a quick dash to the mirror to sort my unruly hair out and a few minutes later I had managed to force it to resemble a messy bun.

Taking the stairs two at a time I all but sprinted into the kitchen , "Hello dear , is everything okay?" My nan asked as I came to a halt by the table. I could have screamed , how was I supposed to talk to Angelo about Jessica while my nan was here ? "Oh , hi nan. I thought you were at bingo?" I replied , trying not to sound disappointed.

"I was dear , I only went for an hour or so to see the girls. I thought we could have dinner together tonight?" I'd always found it difficult to say no to my nan , I felt insanely guilty for hardly being in the house lately she was the only family I had left and I'd basically been neglecting her. "Sure nan , is there enough for three ? because Angelo Is coming over in a bit we needed to talk about something."

At the mention of Angelo's name her eyes lit up , "of course dear. I'm so pleased that the young man is finally coming over for dinner." Thankfully a few minutes later there was a knock at the door "I'll get it." I called out as I left the kitchen and made my way to the front door.

"Hello love." Angelo murmured as I wrapped my arms around his waist and inhaled his aftershave.

"Is everything okay? You were really distant on the phone earlier" I asked cautiously.

"Everything's fine , I need to speak with you later though."

"I need to talk to you too , but we have a slight problem." I replied sheepishly

"Oh?" He replied with his eyebrow raised

"My nan wants you to have dinner with us." I mumbled

I looked up and saw a large grin plastered on his face "I'd love too." He replied as we made our way through the house.

"Angelo , it's so lovely to see you dear." My nan said as we both walked into the kitchen and swiftly wrapped him up in a hug.

"it's nice to see you too , Penelope." The warmth in his voice when he spoke to my her made my heart flutter.

"So , what's for dinner?" I asked curiously

"BBQ chicken dear , It won't be long. Why don't you set the table?"

5 minutes later we were all sat round the dinner table digging in to the food in front of us. "I haven't seen that girl back here love , have you two had an argument?" my nan asked casually. My grip tightened around the fork and I could see Angelo trying not to laugh out of the corner of my eye , "we don't really talk anymore." I replied

"Oh that's a shame , she seemed really nice dear." Yeah if you look past the whole wanting to ruin my life and threatening to expose me as a 'slut' she's probably a really nice person ....not.

After dinner had finished I was dying to talk to Angelo alone , we needed to get this plan rolling if we wanted to get rid of Jessica once and for all. "I'll be in the living room if you two need anything." My nan said as she finally left the room.

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