Chapter 14 - Edited ✓

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Harper's POV

I'd been sat here for the past 10 minutes twiddling my pen , this was my last ever exam and then I could turn my back on this place forever. My free hand found the necklace that Angelo had bought me for Christmas a few months ago , I couldn't help smile every time I remembered it was there. Me and Angelo had spent most of last night texting back and forward due to my extreme freak out about my final exam. Things like exams don't usually bother me but chemistry wasn't my strong point and I needed to do well.

© Flashback ©

To: Harper

From : Angelo

Harper , you need to calm down

You'll be fine tomorrow

To: Angelo

From : Harper

I can't , I'm freaking out

I need to do well Angelo , I've got

My nan to provide for I can't work at Opal

For the rest of my life.

To: Harper

From: Angelo

I know you do, whoever you end up

Working for will be lucky to have you.

I know you'll do well, you're a brilliant woman

Now get some sleep, it's late.

To : Angelo

From : Harper

Thank you, Angelo it means

A lot to me. Good night , I'll message you in the

Morning. Wish me luck J

To: Harper

From : Angelo

Good night Harper and good luck.

©End of flash back©

"Everyone put down your pens , your 2 hours is up. Stay silent until your row has been dismissed , anyone who is caught talking their paper will be cancelled." The examiner's voice echoed around the hall , I let out a silent breath of relief. Much to my amazement I managed to complete the exam from hell and thankfully all of the formulas I had revised the night before had been on the exam , so I was feeling quite hopeful. However the two month wait to find out my results were going to be the death of me.

"Row E , collect your bags and make your way silently out of the hall." Thank god for that , in less than 2 minutes I'll be free. Grabbing my bag I refrain from sprinting out of the hall , the weight of 5 years of high school is finally beginning to lift and I love it. Pushing open the double doors I almost let out a squeal I'm finally free , however the sight In front of me almost makes my heart stop.

Parked in front of the school is none other than Angelo Deluca in all his glory. However this time he isn't waiting for me in the warm back seats of the limo he is oh so casually lent up against his car in what can only be described as one of the most expensive suits I have ever seen in my life. Jesus Christ what is he doing here. I was frozen to my spot , thankfully he hadn't seen me he was too busy typing away on his phone to notice that I'd just come from the building. I don't know why I was so nervous to see him , it was probably just the shock of seeing him just stood there so casually.

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