Chapter 22 - Edited ✓

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Harper's POV

It was late, almost time for me to get up for work and I still hadn't slept. I was only sure about two things at this moment in time, the first one being I was still extraordinarily drunk, and the second, I almost kissed Angelo tonight. My mind kept replaying over the moment our lips almost touched. Our bodies pressed up against each other, my hands around his neck and his on my hips. 

I groaned I shouldn't be doing this to myself. Being drunk and fantasising about your boss isn't right. The realisation then hit me , I was going to see him again in a few hours. Picking up my phone from the bedside table, squinting at the bright light trying to make out the time displayed on the screen. 4:30 am.

"Ughh" I groan, I can't believe this is happening. I wanted to blame Angelo for this whole messed up situation because if it weren't for his stupid idea we, well actually I wouldn't be in this situation because I can guarantee he isn't led in bed still drunk wracking his brains over what almost happened on my doorstep. 

The memories of tonight begin flooding back, god there was so much alcohol and dancing. The image of mine and Angelo's bodies moving to the beat of the music in the club flit in and out of my head. The memory makes my body shiver, and I hate myself for feeling like this, the first man that I find I'm interested has to be my boss. Excellent Harper, smart move.

I knew I should at least try and get some sleep, if not for me for the fact that somehow I need to try and sober up and at the moment a tactical vomit isn't at the top of my list of things to do. The thought of calling in sick had crossed my mind, but what would that make me? 

Angelo was a smart man, he'd know the reason for my absence, and the last thing I wanted was for him to think I was a coward. Grabbing my phone, I set the alarm for half seven and forced my body to shut down, silently praying that I'd feel slightly more sober in 3 hours.

Three hours later and thankfully, I was no longer as intoxicated as I had been. I was tipsy, but I knew I'd be able to function if I kept myself supplied with large amounts of caffeine and a half-decent breakfast. After a quick shower and little to no time at all spent on making myself presentable, I was ready. 

Thankfully I still had 45 minutes to drink as much coffee as humanly possible and get some food in my system before I get picked up. The smell of coffee was slightly disgusting, but after the second cup along with some dry toast and paracetamol for the headache that had taken up residence behind my eyes, I felt marginally better.

Moments after I drained the third coffee of the morning, my phone vibrated. If I hadn't been sitting, I'm more than sure my knees would've buckled.

To: Harper

From: Angelo

I'm outside. Any chance you could bring me some coffee?

Just as I thought, no word of what almost happened last night, a part of me was glad that he didn't mention it, but the other part of me was hurt. It meant nothing to him. Unlocking my phone, I shot back a reply.

To: Angelo

From: Harper

Of course, I won't be long :)

My hands were shaking as I prepared the coffee; it took all my will power to prevent me from scalding myself as I poured the hot liquid into a travel cup. 

Get it together harper, if he doesn't care, neither should you. You're no Jessica , you're probably not even his type. My subconscious was probably right, reminding me that guys like Angelo don't fall for plain Jane's like me, they belong with the Jessica's of the world. Taking a deep calming breath, I grabbed my stuff along with Angelo's coffee and made my way out to the car. Hopefully, I looked less flustered than I felt.

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