Chapter 15 - Edited ✓

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Harper's POV

Standing in front of my mirror curling the last piece of my hair the reality of what was happening set in, I was leaving Opal and going to work for Angelo as his PA. Part of me was ecstatic that I'd be working with him, I enjoyed his company, but the other part of me was terrified. Angelo was the wealthiest businessman in the whole of London if not the whole of Britain and the thought of having to handle his day to day calendar and keep him up to date on his business meetings was overwhelming.

The most crucial part of tonight though was telling Jack that I was leaving, I knew he'd be upset, but hopefully, he'd understand I needed to do it for my nan and my future. In the almost year and a half I'd been at Opal, Jack had become somewhat of a substitute father figure for me. 

Even though he was only ten years older than me and It saddened me that I was going to have to leave all of that behind, but I knew when I took the job, it wouldn't be a permanent one. My phone vibrated alerting me to the car waiting outside to take me to Opal; I'd miss the black Audi that picked me up. 

Sometimes I'd pretend it wasn't taking me to work and that I wasn't plain old Harper Dawson, I'd imagine that I was one of London's glamorous socialites on my way to a function or a wild party. However, once the car stopped and my door was opened for me reality set back in, and I was back in the real world.

The drive to work felt way to fast, and before I knew it, the car was pulling up outside the building. It was a typical Saturday night here with what seemed like hundreds of people lining up to get into the club. The sight made me smile. I was proud of Jack and what he had accomplished not only with the nightclub but also earning the title of having the most prestigious gentlemen's club in Britain. 

Walking through the club, I made sure to take in as much as I could. Some people would be happy knowing they're moving on to bigger and better things, but this place was my saving grace when I had no idea how I was going to help my nan out, but a part of me couldn't help but smile, I was going to be working with Angelo.

Throwing my stuff down in the cloakroom, I went in search of Jack; I needed to tell him now before he caught Angelo and me negotiating the terms of my employment. Thankfully he was in his office, so I didn't have to look far. 

"Jack, can I talk to you?" I don't know why I felt so nervous about talking to him. "Sure, is everything okay?" he stopped what he was doing and motioned me to sit down on the chair in front of his desk. I didn't have a clue on how to sugar coat this, so I decided that just blurting it out was my best option, "Jack, I'm leaving Opal." It took him a while to register what I was saying, what felt like minutes went by before he finally answered me. "Why?", shit this was going to be harder than I thought.

"I've had a job offer; it's with someone who understands the situation I'm in. It's not that I don't like working here Jack because I love it here and you know that, but I told you when I started this wasn't going to be a permanent thing it was just until I could find a proper full-time job, it just happened quicker than I thought it would." I felt horrible, the look on Jacks face crushed me, but I had to do this it wasn't just for me it was for my nan.

"You're one of my best workers Harp, how am I going to find another one like you?" Jack looked at me, a sad smile tarnishing his handsome face.

"I'm sure you'll manage, I wouldn't be leaving if I didn't think it was necessary. I'll promise I'll come and visit you all the time. I won't forget you, Jack. You saved me, and I'll always remember that." I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, but as one door closes another one opens. " I am proud of you Harp, make sure this job doesn't get on top of you okay? you'll always have a place with us no matter what, you can come back anytime." 

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